Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 89.1925

DOI Heft:
No. 182 (January 1925)
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n the town hall



on january 8th, 1923,
at 6 and 8.30 o'clock.


LONDON—In the crowd of exhibi-
tions which were open during last
month there were a good many which
made a considerable claim to attention.
The Goupil Gallery Salon, in which more
than 400 works were shown, included
notable things by Mr. Wilson Steer, Mr.
W. Nicholson, Mr. W. W. Russell, Sir
W. Orpen, Mr. Sheringham, Mr. Russell
Flint and Miss Anna Airy; at Messrs.
Colnaghi's Gallery there were important
paintings by Mr. Charles Sims, Mr.
W. Nicholson, Mr. Glyn Philpot, Mr.
Oliver Hall, and Mr. Algernon Newton ;
at the Leicester Galleries there was a most
interesting memorial exhibition of the
works of Mark Fisher, and other exhibi-
tions of flower paintings by Mr. W. T.
Wood, and of decorative fantasies by
Marie Laurencin; and at the Carroll
Gallery there was a collection of water-
colours by Mr. C. J. Collings which
represented admirably an artist of well-
established reputation. a a a
Mr. Martin Hardie showed in the
galleries of the Fine Art Society a number
of°the™mberwelbly school,e of of water-colours which were very attrac-
arts and crafts, type : ken- tive m their scholarly accomplishment;
nerley old style, initial (red) and {n the same galleries there were groups
™T™o™ of excellently-handled water-colours by

'ppj Jj? EAGLvE THE routing at the foot of the tree, and

r»AT a n>Tjrj' or\\V7 as I suspect, intends to grub it up,

\*sJr\ 1 , CD 1 ilC o \J W that she may the more easilycome

at our young ones. For my part
NCE upon a time an I will take care of my own con-
Eagle built her nest cerns ; you may do as you please,
upon thetop branch- but I will watch her motions,
es of an old oak. A though I stay at home this month
Wild Cat inhabited for it. When she had said this,
a hole in the middle; which could not fail of putting the
and in the hollow part at the bot- Eagle into a great fright, down she
tom was a Sow, with a whole litter went and made a visit to the Sow
of pigs. a happy neighbourhood ; at the bottom ; and putting on a
and might long have continued so, sorrowful face, I hope, says she,
had it not been for the wicked in- you do not intend to go abroad to-
sinuations of the designing Cat. day. Why not? says the Sow.
For, first of all up she crept to the Nay, replies the other, you maydo
Eagle; and, Good Neighbour, says as you please; but I overheard the
she, we shall all be undone: that Eagle tell her young ones that she
Sow yonder does nothing but lie wouldtreatthemwithapigthefirst

layout by a student of the camber-
well school of arts and crafts
type : stephenson, blake and co.'s
antique old style. initial (red) de-
signed by a student of the school
