Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 90.1925

DOI issue:
No. 388 (July 1925)
DOI article:
Bröchner, Georg: The garden of Professor Carl Milles
DOI Page / Citation link:

1 cm
OCR fulltext

THE GARDEN OF PROFESSOR great Frenchman, Professor Milles returned

CARL MILLES. BY GEORG to Sweden in order to settle there. 0

BROCHNER 0000 The inauguration of his new home, at

least as regards the house, was not singu-

IWONDER if an artist's visions of larly auspicious and gave no promise of
beauty have ever materialised more what was to be. Only the site was chosen
fully, ever attained to a happier and with all Milles's enthusiastic appreciation
more subtle consummation, than has be- of beauty in nature and with the intuition
come manifest in Professor Carl Milles's of a true artist : the highest point on the
home, his house and garden, at Lidingo, coast of Vartan, with clusters of tall pic-
near Stockholm. 0000 turesque fir-trees firmlyplanted in the rocky
After a sojourn of some eight years in ground. But Professor Milles soon found
France, where amongst other celebrities a very able helper in his younger brother,
in art and literature he became very M. Evert Milles, the well-known architect,
friendly with Rodin, for whose genius What has happened to so many who
he had a profound admiration without, have been first to discover the charm of a
however, allowing his own artistic person- new locality, also happened to Professor
ality to be perceptibly influenced by the Milles. He who loves seclusion and

Vol. XC. No. 388.—July 1925.

the loggia in the
house of carl milles
