received well-deserved recognition both especially noticeable in drawings, and
at home and in International Exhibitions media largely dependent on drawing—
abroad, particularly in those that have etchings, woodcuts and woodblock colour
been organised by that very original and prints. It may be that the ideas which
active Society of the California Print are having such far-reaching effects on
Makers, who hold an International Exhibi- industrial art (witness the D.I.A. and the
tion every year at Los Angeles, representa- B.I.I.A.) are influencing fine art also. In
tive of the most modern work of American fine art also there is a growing feeling for
and European etchers and print makers. ** the right use of material," that is, the
In their 1922 exhibition Mr. Piatt's print expression of the subject in terms of the
The Giant Stride was awarded the gold medium in such a way as to emphasise
medal for the most distinguished print the qualities of the materials used. A
in any medium, and in 1925 the Storrow work of art is gradually built up by the
Prize for the best colour woodcut. 0 interplay of imaginative insight and tech-
My own association with him in the nical dexterity, so neglect to bring out
work at the Edinburgh College of Art has the full beauty of the material is as fatal
left memories of a colleague of high to a work of art as a lack of artistic vision,
ambition and a rare devotion to severe In the great masterpieces of woodblock
and laborious study. 000 colour printing, such as the works of
Frank Morley Fletcher. Hokusai and Utamaro, this mutual inter-
__ play of vision and technique is perfectly
balanced. The Japanese with their extra-
NOTES ON WOODBLOCK COLOUR ordinary sensitiveness to the qualities of
PRINTING. BY JOHN PLATT materials have perfected a medium of
Among the diverse tendencies notice- great beauty. Now that this medium,
able in modern art exhibitions there is through the researches of Mr. Frank
increasingly evident one which may be Morley Fletcher, is available to Europeans,
described as respect for material. This is it is up to us to use it in a way worthy of
received well-deserved recognition both especially noticeable in drawings, and
at home and in International Exhibitions media largely dependent on drawing—
abroad, particularly in those that have etchings, woodcuts and woodblock colour
been organised by that very original and prints. It may be that the ideas which
active Society of the California Print are having such far-reaching effects on
Makers, who hold an International Exhibi- industrial art (witness the D.I.A. and the
tion every year at Los Angeles, representa- B.I.I.A.) are influencing fine art also. In
tive of the most modern work of American fine art also there is a growing feeling for
and European etchers and print makers. ** the right use of material," that is, the
In their 1922 exhibition Mr. Piatt's print expression of the subject in terms of the
The Giant Stride was awarded the gold medium in such a way as to emphasise
medal for the most distinguished print the qualities of the materials used. A
in any medium, and in 1925 the Storrow work of art is gradually built up by the
Prize for the best colour woodcut. 0 interplay of imaginative insight and tech-
My own association with him in the nical dexterity, so neglect to bring out
work at the Edinburgh College of Art has the full beauty of the material is as fatal
left memories of a colleague of high to a work of art as a lack of artistic vision,
ambition and a rare devotion to severe In the great masterpieces of woodblock
and laborious study. 000 colour printing, such as the works of
Frank Morley Fletcher. Hokusai and Utamaro, this mutual inter-
__ play of vision and technique is perfectly
balanced. The Japanese with their extra-
NOTES ON WOODBLOCK COLOUR ordinary sensitiveness to the qualities of
PRINTING. BY JOHN PLATT materials have perfected a medium of
Among the diverse tendencies notice- great beauty. Now that this medium,
able in modern art exhibitions there is through the researches of Mr. Frank
increasingly evident one which may be Morley Fletcher, is available to Europeans,
described as respect for material. This is it is up to us to use it in a way worthy of