Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 90.1925

DOI issue:
No. 390 (September 1925)
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1 cm
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antelope. woodcut
by billie waters

thoroughly convincing as masterly technical Mr. James Wilkie. Professor Rothenstein's
achievements ; Mr. Spare's studies were drawings were, as usual, rather dry and
drawn with admirable decision and much pedantic in manner, but in some of them
feeling for form and had a remarkable there was considerable acuteness of charac-
robustness of manner ; and Mr. Craig's terisation, and there was a certain scholarly
theatrical designs were attractively in- quality of interpretation. Mr. Wilkie's
genious and original in treatment. The water-colours had more than ordinary
two heads by Mr. Epstein were charac- merit; they were drawn firmly and
teristic both in their barbaric coarseness sensitively, they had much charm of
of execution and in their presentation of delicate and pleasantly restrained colour,
debased types of humanity. a 0 and they showed a sincere regard for

Another noteworthy show was arranged sound tradition. In many of them subtle
at the Redfern Gallery ; there were in it effects of atmosphere and open-air illu-
etchings, wood engravings, and lithographs mination were excellently realised, and
by a number of artists, and the work gener- they gave throughout evidence of serious
ally was of excellent quality. Of the and intelligent study of nature, a 0
etchings the best were the Spanish Gossip, Mr. Raphael Nelson showed at the
and Glen Mayo, by Mr. J. B. Souter, Arlington Gallery a collection of nearly a
Measuring the Rod, and October, by Mr. hundred caricatures of authors and poli-
H. Becker, and The Circus on the Hill, ticians. His method differs somewhat
by Mr. J. Daurn; among the wood
engravings the Evening Pastoral and Arno
Washerwomen, by Miss M. L. Wethered,
the Interior with Figures, by Mr. John
Nash, The Nightjar and Cabbage Butter-
fly, by Mr. E. Dalglish, the Old Roman
Bath, by Mr. A. H. Gerrard, Goats, by
Miss H. Holman, and Wharfedale Cot-
tages, by Mr. J. Greenwood, were the
most conspicuous ; and the most success-
ful lithographs came from Miss Elsie
Henderson and from Mr. H. Becker,
whose vigorous methods were seen to the
fullest advantage in his landscape, Winter
and his figure study, The Mower. 0 0

At the Leicester Galleries there were
exhibitions of portrait drawings by Pro-
fessor Rothenstein and water-colours by by'billie waters


camel.' woodcut