Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Interior Arrangement and Decoration

as well as a deep frieze
of moulded plaster relief,
carried out by means of
moulds impressed by hand ;
a plan which admits, it
is scarcely necessary to
state, far greater freedom
and variation than is
possible in the case of
embossed decorations,
(JOS—IIB H 1 'i 5, , i iMHMlHiBg^^i mechanically rolled out by

■L'-Wlwi 11 SisZ lL- * i" I m the yard.

In the oak - panelled

HUB^^IBLhhb / W 1 if «:]4^**"l!H3^B dining-hall for a country

house (p. 19), designed by
Mr. Cecil Millar, there is

i * 3 L "1 I \

a frieze of plaster, modelled

■^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ and coloured, with heraldic

dining room designed and executed devices. This is a phase

by Bartholomew & Fletcher of ornament which at one

time occupied a far more
prominent place than it

illustrations. Thus, two views (p. 33) are given of an does at the present day. It is no mere archaism,
interior designed by Mr. C. R. Ashbee, architect, however; for, rightly understood, heraldry is a
in which textile wall-hangings, together with grey language capable of expressing, in exact terms,
inlaid oak and polished blue panelling, are shown, the record of a family's fortunes and alliances ;

end of the dining halt, of a country house designed by cecil millar
