Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Tools & tillage: a journal on the history of the implements of cultivation and other agricultural processes — 4.1980/​1983

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Marshall, Geoffrey: The 'Rotherham' plough: new evidence on its original manufacture and method of distribution
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N.E. of Bury St. Edmunds. Here in verse he
lists several attributes claimed by the advocates
of the ‘Rotherham’ plough.
2. These prices agreed by Foljambe and Stany-
forth agree remarkably well with the prices
quoted by Marshall nearly 40 years later for
the cost of making a ‘Rotherham’ type plough
in the North Riding of Yorkshire. He claimed
that the woodwork alone would cost 7 shil-
lings and 6 pence whilst the ironwork, includ-
ing the land-side and mould-board plates,
would cost less than 20 shillings (Marshall
1778, 277). Foster of County Durham cor-
roborates the price of construction of a
‘Rotherham’ plough in the late 18th century.
He estimates a total cost of I1/? guineas (31
shillings and 6 pence) (Grainger 1794, 72).
N.B. 12 pence was worth 1 shilling, 20 shil-
lings = £1, and 21 shillings = 1 guinea.
3. An accurate date for this document is difficult
to assess. There is no clue as to its date in the
text, apart from it obviously being post Janu-
ary 1730/31, and the watermark is rather com-
plicated and partly covered by printing but it
appears to be very similar to a probable 18th
century watermark used by Durhams of Post-
lip Mills, Gloucestershire (Shorter 1971, 249).
4. If the prices quoted by Walker are for a yearly
rental it would appear that the initial 2 shillings
and 6 pence charge was an introductory offer,
for even at 7 shillings and 6 pence per annum it
would be only after the 3rd year of rental that
Stanyforth would be making a profit.
Bloomfield, Robert: The Farmer’s Boy. London

Grainger,].: General View of the Agriculture of
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Marshall, G.: The Rotherham Plough. A Study of
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Marshall, Mr.: The Rural Economy of Yorkshire
Maxwell, R. (ed.): The Select Transactions of the
Honourable Society of Improvers in the
Knowledge of Agriculture in Scotland 1743.
Miller, E.: The History and Antiquities of Don-
caster 1804.
Mingay, G. E. (ed.): The Agricultural Revolu-
tion, Changes in Agriculture 1650-1880, Adam
and Charles Black 1977.
Rennie, Brown and Shirreff: General View of the
Agriculture of the West Riding of Yorkshire
Shorter, A. H.: Paper Making in the British Isles,
David and Charles 1971.
Wyndham Hulme,E.: Privy Council Law and
Practice of Letters Patent for Invention from
the Restoration to 1794, in: Law Quarterly
Review Vol. XXXIII 1917.
County Aecord Office, Oxford: Document no.
County Record Office, Wakefield: Registry of
Deeds, 1731 Book CC Page 472, Number 626.
Page 474, Number 628. Page 475, Number
“Patents of Invention, A.D. 1730, No. 518,
Ploughs, Stanyforth and Foljambes Specifica-
Sheffield City Library: Firbeck Hall deeds,
Numbers: 6,29,30,77 and 78.
Sheffield City Library: Tibbits Collection,
Number 1010.