Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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been difcovered in thofe who have feme merit, and might
have much more. It is ftrange, that when Artifts can
agree to affemble their performances for public impac-
tion, they cannot alfo agree to hear with complacency
the praifes of each other ; if they will not praife each
other perfonally : Which yet feems to require no fuper-
natural exertions of good nature, and politenefs ; nor is
it, as I can fee, connected with any idea derogatory to
the applauder. But, as I faid, if they will not praife, at
leaft let them not detract from their brethren, but learn
modefty and filence.

It is true, that, when an Artift finds fault, the com-
plaint is more likely to be well grounded, than the cur-
fory obfervations of cafual fpectators are j but it is ex-
tremely probable, the very error noticed might never
have been thought of by the public, or by any but a
rival Artift : yet when thus expofed, and perhaps mag-
nified by afperity, it may render uneafy both the artift
and his patron,—and for what advantage ?

It is ftrange, that Artifts cannot perceive that their
importance leffens yearly In the public eftimation; if they
enquire the caufes of this fact, (for fo it is) they may
find them primarily in their own vanity and felf-impor-
tance, and in the difcord whofe effects they lament with-
out endeavouring to remedy. What but this has ruin-
ed the once flouriming ftate of the public exhibitions ?
What but this has Increafed the lift of feceders, who
reckon among them the moft excellent of the profeffion ?
and has rendered it more honourable for an Artift to
exhibit at home, than to expofe his productions to the
2 ribaldry
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