Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 4,2): Camp-stool Fresco, long-robed priests and beneficent genii [...] — London, 1935

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Plate LIII



Chryselephantine Figure of Boy-God : a, Profile View with Plates of P

Loin-clothing attached; b, Front View of Ivory Figure without Plat

c, Profile View without Gold Plates. (See p. 468 seqq.) SJ

„ LIV. Select Intaglios of Early Fine Style: a, M.M. II;' b-m, M.M. Ill

Transitional. (Facing page 501) ' "d

„ LA'. Selection of Late Minoan Intaglios (L. M. I b-L. M. II) with Animal Form

mostly symmetrically arranged. (Facingpage r;?.)
„ LVI. View of South End of Lower' Long Corridor', showing Position of Cross-wall

constructed in M.M. Ill shutting off Magazine 1-3, but subsequently

removed. The Pavement ends at this point. (See p. 630 seqq and cf

p 62 r, Fig. 606.)
„ LVII. a, Pithos from Magazine IX of' Bottle-shaped' Type with numerous ' corded'

zones. (See p. 645.)
b, Pithos from Magazine IX with 'Roped Band' imitating 'Adder-mark'.
• fSee p. 642.)
„ LVIII. Pithos horn Magazine VI of a Late Type showing Incised 'Adder-mark'

Decoration on Flat Bands. (See p. 643.)
., LIX. a, Pithoiin Magazine V; a, Pithos of Magazine VI; c, Pithoi of MagazineIX:

No. 2 compared with Basket-type from Kordofan ; d, Pithoi in Magazine

IX: 2, ' Bottle-shaped'. (See p. 633 seqq.)
„ LX. Basket (for suspension) used for Butter by Bagarra Tribe. Kordofan, compare

with Pithos, Suppl. PI. LIX, c 2, &c. (See pp. 645-7.)
,, LXI. Long Magazines XI, XII, with Single Lines of Pithoi, closely packed as

excavated. (See p. 647.)
„ LXII. Tablet inscribed on both Faces with Lists cf Men, the ' Man' Sign being

repeated after each Sign-group. (See pp. 7or-6 and Fig. 687, a, b.)
„ LXIII. View looking down on ' Room of the Throne', with Lustral Basin, and of part

of Ante-room beyond when first cleared. (See p. 907 seqq.)
„ LXIV. Section ol Argonaut Fresco with Colour Key. (See p. 889.)
„ LXV. a, Intaglio Design of 'Ring of Minos', from Cast; b, c, it, e, Photographic

Copies of Ring. (Facingpage 949.)
„ LXVI. a, 1,2. Veined Alabaster Spout of' Bridge-mouthed' Vase (Middle Minoan),

from Temple Tomb. (See p. 976.)
b. Incomplete Graffito Sketch, apparently of part of a Minoan Galley,

on Alabaster Slab of Sepulchral Chamber : Temple Tomb, Knossos. (See

p. 956.)
c i, c 1. Fresco Fragments showing Reeds with Striated Sprays of Knossian

L. M. II Style, Mycenae. (See p. roI3, and cf. B.S.A., xxiv, PI. IX, n, W
„LXVII, a,b. Frescoes from Mansion at Amnisos, the Eastern Haven of Knossos, tro

Dr. Sp. Marinates' Excavations (as restored by Mons. E. Gillieron, Ills). l5t

„ LXVIII. Bronze Long-swords, about a metre in length, of M. M. Ill b date. !■''
recently discovered Votive Pit in Cave of Arkalokhori, S.E. ot h-'Wbi
(See p. 846.) , [Ci

LXIX. a. Inscribed Stirrup Vase, Eleusis: from the Excavations ot •

Kouroniotes; b, Inscription of Class B on Stirrup Vase, Eleusis.
P- 744')