Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 4,2): Camp-stool Fresco, long-robed priests and beneficent genii [...] — London, 1935

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f the B series.1 Whether another sign-group preceded this must remain

The Orchomenos Inscription and Mainland Group.
The occurrence of a ' stirrup vase' from Orchomenos with a linear inscribed
inscription2 of an unusual kind (Fig. 723) had been known since 1904,3 Vase™P
and remains of similar vessels, mostly of a very fragmentary nature, pre- g°"Jio

senting one or more signs, derived from menos.
Schliemann's or Tsountas' excavations at
Mycenae, existed in the Museum at
Nauplia, though little attention had been
paid to them.* Inscribed pottery of an
identical class had also been brought out
by the German excavations at Tiryns,6
photographs of which have been kindly
placed at my disposal. Much of this evi-
dence was fragmentary, though it was pos-
sible to put together a series of complete
examples, given below. Its collective value,
however, has remained unrecognized.

The Inscribed ' Stirrup Vases' of the
' House of Kadmos' at Thebes.

Fig. 723. Inscribed 'Stirrup V.ase'
from Orchomenos.

But the finds thus held in suspense
attained a new significance by the dis-
covery of Dr. A. D. Keramopoullos, in
the course of his fruitful explorations in a
part of the ' House of Kadmos' at Thebes, of a store-room containing some
thirty large 'stirrup vases' with inscriptions on the shoulders or body."

1 See Table, Fig. 666 a (opp. p. 684). * Two of these fragments, however, were
The initial frl of the inscription shows an early publish^ by Mr. A. J. B. Wace in J3.S.A,
'"' xxv, pp. 20, 21 and Fig. 5.

of' In-
Vases' in
' House of
at Thebes.

feature in its reduplicated lower cross line.

' The A at the end of this inscription recurs
as a complementary E character between the
'legs' of V. It is also found on a Tylissos
tablet of Class A.

' H. Bulle, Die WocIk, 1904, Heft 5, p. 216,
and see Scrifta Minoa, i, p. 57, Fig. 31.

D There is only a brief mention of these in
the great work on the German excavations
there (Tiryns, ii, p. 3).

11 The discovery (made in 1921) is referred
to by Professor Keramopoullos in ilpowiKa,
1922-1923, pp. 30, 31. Cf., too, ib,, 1928,
p. 61. It was mentioned by Mr. Wace {f.H.S.,
xli, Archaeology in Greece, 1919-1921, p. 273).