Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 4,2): Camp-stool Fresco, long-robed priests and beneficent genii [...] — London, 1935

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one of them from a tomb of that date at Ur, depicting chariots reluctantl •
drawn by the harnessed Dragon, show the pole arching up from the front
in this way. The type, therefore, was in being at the time when the first
direct connexions were opened out between the Mesopotamian Power and
the East Mediterranean basin—connexions, as we have seen, that intimately
affected the cultural history of Minoan Crete.

of Type I>
in HiCtite

Diffusion of Royal Sumerian Chariot (Type B), with Initial Section of Pole
linked to the Front, to Hittite Regions.

The survival of this ' Royal Sumerian' form of chariot with its frontal

attachment in the
Hittite regions is
well exemplified by
two reliefs on
plaques from Mala-
tia, now in the
Louvre (Fig. 793 a,
b)} These depict
hunting scenes in
which H ittite princes
in one case a lion, in the other
In these examples the pole of the
chariot starts forward, either on a level
with or actually from the edge of the top
of the car-front. The wheels of both are
6-spoked, an advanced characteristic, but
still far from the multiple spokes of late
Assyrian chariots. The crossed quivers
on the sides themselves suggest Rames-
side parallels. At the same time the pic-
torially hieroglyphic style of the inscrip-
tions show that the monuments belong to
the pfe-Assyrianizing Hittite period.

Another Hittite relief of more or less contemporary date from Sendjirli

cylinder from a Sargonid grave at Ur has Orientate, iii, pp. ri'30, 1131, Figs. 744) 745'

been now published by Mr. Woolley (111. "- In the Berlin Museum. Cf. Contenau,

London News, March 17, 1934, p. 403). lb.} p. 1155, Fig. 761.
1 G. Contenau, Manuel d'ArclUologie

Fig. 793 a, b. Hittite Reliefs
from Malatia, showing Chariots
with Poles attached in Sumerian
Fashion (Type B).