Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Wien); Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat; Gilhofer & Ranschburg
Katalog (Nr. 257): A mediaeval library of medical and astronomical books and manuscripts: comprising also a collection of 300 early portraits of physicians — Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1936

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HThE Books and Manuscripts enlisted in this catalogue come for the
most part from an old Austrian out- of -the -way monastery, where they
remained for centuries, separated from the theological manuals, their
peace undisturbed till to-day. From the cloisters was culture dissemina-
ted, they formed the germ- cells of modern science and the role that the
abbeys and monasteries played towards the end of the middle-ages and
at the beginning of modern times is displayed in miniature in this cata-
logue. Through the century-long efforts of many abbots and countless
generations of unknown monks, first in manuscripts and after the in-
vention of printing in printed books, the material was brought together,
which is now once more made available to scientific research. This ori-
gin explains firstly the great scope of the collection, in which each parti-
cular province is represented by chief works and first editions,- secondly
the numerous collective volumes and in general the good state of pre-
servation of most of the volumes with their original bindings. Thus this
catalogue presents a unity in itself, such as is not often made available
to the public.
We draw your attention below to some outstanding sections and
single items. We begin with the Manuscripts of the XV th and XVI th
centuries, among which some are especially remarkable. Pharmacological
manuscripts are well represented (No. 2, 3, 8, 10, 11 & 243). Astronomy,
astrology form the contents of No. 5, 6 & 12, among which no. 6, a
German edition of Sacrobosco's Sphera, a vellum-manuscript of
the early XV th century, represents one of the earliest German astrono-
mical texts. It is difficult to over-estimate the scientific value of the Cra-
cow Manuscript (no. 7). It contains texts of the Cracow Univer-
sity on astronomy, astrology and meteorology, which for the greater part
have never been published and await their editor. Cracow was the lea-
ding university at that time in the realms of astronomy and geography.
The most interesting particular upon this manuscript is the time of its
production, which was the time in which Copernicus was carrying
on his studies at this university. His teacher, Johan of Glogau, is
represented here by an astronomical treatise.
In the comprehensive section on Early Medicine (No. 13—193) is
to be found a large number of anatomical, surgical and other medical
standard works. We may quote the fine work of Bauhinus illustrated
with beautiful copperplates (Nr. 23); the "Spiegel der Arznei" by F r i e s