Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Wien); Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat; Gilhofer & Ranschburg
Katalog (Nr. 257): A mediaeval library of medical and astronomical books and manuscripts: comprising also a collection of 300 early portraits of physicians — Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1936

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VIII. Supplement to all Sections
Swiss Francs
Arbatel de magia veterum. (Pt. I.) Wesel 1686. Sm.-4to. W. some diagr. Hf.-calf. 20.—
Caillet I. 364. Rare introduction into the antiques magic sciences. Browned.
Aristoteles. De natura stirpium libri II. Andrea a Lacuna interpr. Cologne 1543. 10.—
Aubrius, J. (Montis Pessulanens. Sacerd.) Medicina univers, contra omnia morborum genera.
N. p. 1660. 4 to. Title, 13 pp. Swn. 6.—
Becke, Dav. v. d. Experimenta et meditationes circa natural, rerum principia, quibus quae
circa fixi et alcalisati salis, ante calcinationem in misto prae-existentiam, ac causas volatilisa-
tinis, obscura esse poterant, clare solvuntur. Hamburg 1674. 8vo. W. engr. frontisp.
and 1 diagr. MS.-vellum. 8.—
Bellini, L. Opuscula practica de urina, pulsu, sanguinis missione et febribus, necnon de ca-
pitis pectorisque morbis c. praefat. J o a. B o h n i i. Ed. III. Frankf. 1718. 4 to. Old calf. 10.—
Berchtold, L. de. Descrizione del nuovo rimedio curativo e preservative contro la p e s t e,
usato nello spedale di S. Antonio in Smirne. Vienna 1797. Sm.-8vo. 28 pp. Swn. 15.—
An interesting treatise “per esser distribuita gratuitamente a favore delle Nazioni, che fanno Com-
mercio col Levante, e colla Barbaria**. Cont. instructions for the treatment with oil and the diet of
infected people with plague. At the end the opinions of the consuls of England, Russia, Rou-
mania at Smyrna etc. on the cure here described.
Beringer, J. B. A. (praes.) Lithographiae Wirceburgensis ducentis lapidum figuratorum, a po-
tiori insectiformium prodig. imaginibus exornatae specimen primum. G. L. Hueber respond.
Wurzburg 1726. Fol. M. allego r. Titelkpfr. u. 21 Kpfrtfln. Hpgmt. 15.—
Sehr selt. palaontolog. Dissertation der Wiirzburger Univ, liber die in Wurzburg gefund. Ver-
steinerungen von Bienen, Schnecken, Kafern, Insekten aller Art, etc. Sauberes Expl.
Beyer, J. H. Logistica Decimalis, d. i. Kunst Rechnung d. Zehentheyl. Briichen. Frkft. 1619.
4. M i t 1 Tab. Kart. 8.—
Billerbeck, J. Flora classica. Leipz. 1824. 8. Hkldrbd. d. Zt. — Pritzel 776. 6.—
Blankaart, St. De nieuw hervormde Anatomie ofte outleding des Menschen Lichaams. AIs
ook een verhandelinge van het Balsamen der Lichamen. Amsterd. 1686. 8 vo. W. 50 pla-
tes showing numer. figs. Old calf. 8.—
Bramer, B. Apollonius Cattus, od. Geometr. Wegweiser. 2 Tie. in 1 Bd. Cassel 1646. 4. Mit
32 geom. Kpfrn. u. zahlr. Textholzschn. Kart. 12.—
Buchlein, Vier Auserl. Teutsche Chem. Cassel 1649. K1.-8. Pgmt., dat. 1649. 8.—
Enth. I. Von d. Anf. d. Natur. II. Von d. philos. Wasser. III. Elucidar Christoph. Paris. IV. Alte
Reymen v. d. philos. materi. Stockfleckig.
Budaeus, G. Grundtl. Bericht u. Bedencken, von der . . . Seuche d. Pestilent z. Leipz.,
Schtirer, 1607. Sm.-8 vo. Swn. 8.—
The author Wilhelm Budde, a German Physician of Halberstadt (died 1625), is not to be
mistaken for the famous French Humanist. Browned.
Cardanus, H. Artis magnae s. de regulis algebraicis liber. Niirnbg., Petreius,
1545. Fol. W. portr. ontitleanddiagramsinthe text. Bds. 90.—
Smith I. 195. Rare first edition. Rather waterstained and dam. by damp. The lower cor-
ner of 1. 1—5 and 80 is missing, that of the title and of the last leaf repaired. No loss of
— De subtilitate 11. XXL Niirnberg, Petreius, 1550. Fol. W i t h p o r t r .
and several woodcuts. Blind-tooled hf.-pigskin over wooden boards,
2 clasps. ' 75.—
First edition, of high rarity. "The most important work of C., which embodied the
soundest physical learning of his time and simultaneously represented its most advanced spi-
rit of speculation". (Brit. Enc.~) Good copy, si. browned; stamp on title.
Castelli, B. Lexicon Medicum Graeco-Latinum. Opera Adr. Ravesteini. Rotterd. 1657.
8 vo. Old vellum. 8.—
An early edition of the unique work, which has been preserved of the works of Bartolomeo
Castelli (died 1607), a member of the Italian physician-family Castelli.
