Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 7.2006

DOI Artikel:
Krasny, Piotr: Epistola pastoralis biskupa Bernarda Maciejowskiego z roku 1601: Zapomniany dokument recepcji potrydenckich zasad kształtowania sztuki sakralnej w Polsce
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Należy też sporządzić inwentarz całego wyposażenia kościoła, który winien
być złożony u proboszcza, z pieczęciami jego i witryków74 lub innych zaufanych
osób. Kopia inwentarza ma być zaś przekazana ordynariuszowi.

Parafia powinna też posiadać księgi, jedną u rektora kościoła, a drugą
u witryków, w których należy odnotowywać starannie ofiary, czyli jałmużny
na budowę i inne potrzeby świątyni, złożone przez wiernych, a także fundacje,
podejmowane przez nich zawsze za zgodą proboszcza. Na podstawie tych ksiąg
witrycy mają co roku sprawdzać rachunki kościelne.

Bishop Bernard Maciejowskie Epistoła pastoralis of 1601.
A Forgotten Document Concerning the Reception of the Post-Tridentine
Principles of Creating Sacred Art in Poland

During the last session of the Council of Trent in 1563 the principles of creating Catholic
sacred art were only established in a very broad outline. Much more detailed regulations appeared
for the first time in the Instructiones fabricae et supellectilis ecclesiasticae, promulgated by St
Charles Borromeo in 1577. These instmctions were designed exclusively for the archdiocese of
Milan, but soon began to be included in the Post-Tridentine legislation of other ecclesiastical
provinces which appreciated their precision and comprehensiveness. In sorae dioceses attempts
were also raade to considerably simplify St Charles's orders for the purpose of adjusting them to
a rather poor knowledge of art and liturgical tradition among the local clergy. It was in such a fonii
that Jakob Mueller, vicar generał of the Ratisbon diocese, published them for his subordinates in
a booklet entitled Ornatus ecclesiasticus /Kirchliche Geschmuck (1591), in which descriptions
of particular items of church fumiture had been replaced by their woodcut depictions.

The chapters De fabrica ecclesiae and De supellectilli sacra in the Epistoła pastoralis
promulgated in 1601 by Bernard Maciejowski, Bishop of Cracow, who in 1582, at the outset
of his ecclesiastical career, stayed for some time at Charles Borromeo's court, should also be
considered as a highly simplified version of the Bonomean instmctions. It may be well to add
that the entire Epistoła pastoralis was a kind of synopsis of St Charles's various pastorał and
administrative ordinances published as Acta Ecclesiae mediolanensis (1582).

Maciejowski stated that one of a clergyman's most important duties was to look after the
church entrusted to his care with as deep a commitment as would be shown by the husband
solicitous to meet his \vife's needs. Thus, following BoiTomeo's instmctions, he first ordered
parish priests to see that their churches were in the best possible technical condition, especially
their walls, roofs, windows. and paved floors. He attached great importance to proper storage of
the Eucharist, claiming that the most suitable place for the Blessed Sacrament was a tabemacle
set up on the high altar with an etemal light burning before it. A considerable part of the Cracow
bishop's instmctions related to the principles of exhibiting relics and storing chrism as well as to
those concerning the shapes and locations of baptismal fonts, pulpits, confessionals, and stoups.

74 Łaciński termin „vitricus" był oddawany w języku polskim bądź jako „witrykus", badź
jako „witryk"; zob. Litak (przyp. 28), s. 171. W niniejszym przekładzie zastosowałem tę dmgę
wersję, odpowiadającą, jak sądzę, lepiej charakterowi polskiej deklinacji.
