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equivalent to the received text; and the differences
will be more readily seen when separately stated,
than if sought for by the reader's own collation. I
shall therefore give the readings of the papyrus
whenever La Roche's edition states that there is a
variant reading of any kind, together with all cases
of the use• of accents and diacritical marks. It must
be remembered that where a portion only of a line is
preserved, a disputed reading may exist in that part
of it which has been lost, and if I omit to notice it,
the omission will be due to this fact. Words will be
accented only where they are so in the text. Many
of the scholia are much faded and consequently
difficult to decipher ; only one of them, however,—
that on line 671,—has baffled me. Here some of the
letters have entirely disappeared.*

3. 'ώς Αχιλ-ηα (with one λ). 45. ap, not αρα. lu-
ll 5. Not omitted (as by Zenodotos). 156. Not the
reading of Zenodotos. 168, 206. Omission of these
lines inferred from the numeration of the lines. 223.
[ε]ν θυμ[ωι\. 226. [γυ]να<κες (against Zenodotos). 227.
Not omitted (as by Zenodotos). 245. [η]νοίπαπε with
uncorrected itacism. 247. υθελ for εθεΧ with un-
corrected spelling. 291,292. Not omitted. 335. ετται-
νε[σαντες] with uncorrected spelling. 349. είτ[ε]. 375.
[Κρονί]δ>)ς Ζευς αλγ[ε']. 395- [α]κτη'εφ with dot for
iota adscript. 397. [γενω]ιταί' On this there is a
scholion : ιητοι γενηται with a line drawn under the
17. 398. [α]νσταντες. 412. [κελαίν]εψε[ς] (against
Zenodotos). 415. δηΐοιο (PL xxiv.). 419. επεκρααινε.
420. αμε'[γαρτον] (against Aristarkhos). 433. [τοις
a]pa. 436. Scholion : εγγυαλιζει with a line drawn
under the λ. The reading of the text seems to have
been ε'γγυαλ'ίξει. 439. δ' άθροο[ι\ (PL xxiv.). 440.
ί'ομεν οφρά κε. 441• WC εφατ- 447• Scholion: [Αρι]-
σταρχ[ος] α•γηρω[ν] with line under the η. The text
seems to have read αγηραον. 454. Not omitted. 462.
[πο]τώνται; a scholion is attached to this line and
the preceding consisting of two lines. The first
is preceded by the following mark \ followed by
obliterated letters (? αγαλλομενα) ; the second runs
. . των εθν[η]. Instead of Θ, however, the second
letter of the second word may be a. 464. This line
is preceded by the diple periestigmene. 465. Σκα[μαν-
δριου]. 474. Apparently no asterisk. 476. ώς. 480.
No asterisk. 477. υσμε[ίνί]. 481. ταύρος (PI. xxiv.),
αγρομίνηισι' This line is preceded by the diple.
482. τοιον ά[ρ] with the circumflex over the o. 483.
εκπρεπ\ε~\ 484. This line is preceded by the diple
periestigmene. 486. ουδέ τι ϊδμεν. 5<30. ειχον ■ ήδ\ 5°6•

* The text used for comparison is that of La Roche : Homeri
/lias, Leipzig, 1873. Brackets indicate lost letters.

[Ογ^χηστόν θ' Ίερον. 522• Κηψίσου δΐον έυ[α(ου]. 523•
[ττ?)]γϊίις επί Κηψισο[ιο]. 525• ϊστασαν. 528~53°• Not
omitted. 53°• πάυελληνας. 54°• των αν®• 542• [τ]ωι
δ' αμ Άβα[ντες]. 543• [ορεκτηισί]ν μεΧίηισι. 544• [<""»)]-
βεσσι. 545- ετούτο (PI. xxiv.). 546• ο'ι δ άρ\ 548•
This line is preceded by the obelos which somewhat
resembles a stigme*. 549. This line is omitted. 550.
Ίλάονται. 55 !• κούροι. 552• των av@' (with acute
accent instead of apostrophe). 553. ανηρ ; the line
is preceded by a stigme placed between the upright
and horizontal lines of the first letter, T. 558. This
line is omitted. 565. Ευρυαλος. 566. [Μ»)κ(στε]ως. 567.
των δ' ηγεΐτο. 5^9- ε'χο"• 57°• [Κλ]εώυάς. 571- Αρ[οι-
θυρεην}. 572• όθ άρ Αδρησ[τος. 573• [¥]περησύην. 575•
ενρείαν• 580. Not omitted. 581. κητ[ωεσσαν]. 585• ΐδ'
Οίτυλο[υ] (PI. xxiv.). 588. ηισι (PI. xxiv.). 594• Πτε-
λεου • και Έλος • 597• ευχόμενος , αντάι (PL xxiv.). 59§•
κοϋρας. 6θ8. ΐ1αρρασ[ιην]. 6ΐΟ. πολεες δ'. 612-614.
Not omitted. 612. This line is preceded by the diple
periestigmene. 616. [Υρμ<]υες. 617. Α'λεισίου. 626.
[π]ίρην. 62,1. The first hand has written ητε; a line
has been drawn through the τ, and a γ written
above it (PI. xxiv.). Κεφαλληυας (with double λ).
634. This line is preceded by the diple periestigmene.
έχον * ήδ ' o't Σάμο[υ]. 635• ιΧον ' >$ αντιττίραι ευ[εμου-
το]. 637- [μιλτοπα]ρηθί' 640. Καλυδώνα. 641, 642.
Not omitted. 641. μεγαλίρ-ορες. 644• This line is
omitted. 655. όι. 657. δούρικλυτος . 658. This line
is preceded by the diple periestigmeni. bv , [Αστ]υο-
χεια , ΉρακληεΓ_!))]. 659- This line is preceded by the
diple. 660. ίιοτρεφεων. 661. 7-ράψ' ενι; at the end of
the line a point is written at the foot of the final
letter. 665. Scholion : <εντ βη ψευγειυ (i.e. εν τισΐ).
The βη φεύ-γων of Aristarkhos must consequently
have been in the text. 670. Not omitted. 671. α-γεν,
with half-obliterated scholion in two lines : (ι) [Aoi]-
σταρχ[ος] αγε δία το ε * . . . το" (2) συμφώνου. 674
675- The diple periestigmene is prefixed to these lines,
but not to line 673. 675. δε' o[(]. 680. των. 68l.
ν[υ]ν αυ τους άσσοι. 682. οι , όι τ Αλόττην (PL xxiv.)
. . . τρηχεινενεμοντο. Scholion: Αρισταρχ[ος] ίακως
τρΐ| χεινα νεμοντο. 683• φθειην ήδ\ 684. καλευντο.
686-694- Not omitted. 689. This line is preceded by
a half-obliterated diple. 694. Scholion : Αρ;σταρχ[ος]
ανστη. 697. ιδε ; this line is preceded by the diple
periestigmene. 699. εχειν. 700. Βρϋφης (PL xxiv.)
. . . ελελ(7ττο. 701. άνηρ; this line is preceded by
the diple. 702. αποθ[ρ]ώσκουτα , Αχαιών. 706. μεγά-
θυμου. 707. γενεηι " όδ άρα. Scholion : Αρίσ7-αρχ[ος]
ο §'αμα προτ. 7°8• ήρως. 7°9• 7« f-tv- 710• τεσσαρα-
κοντα. 711• ταρα[ι]. Jl6. άρα. "J\"J. [Αλι[ζώνα τρη-

* This is followed by what is probably 7, though it may be
τ or even ττ.


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