Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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February 16, 1867.J




BOMINABLE, truly, was the weather,

When in the House of Peers we met together,

Queen, Lords, and Commons ruled within, no doubt,
But Rain, and Mud, and Fog were kings without.

Punctual as pendulum, our gracious Queen
Entered at fitting moment on 1 he scene,

Saluted The Estates, assumed the throne,

And sat as moveless as the sculptor’s stone,

While Chelmspord’s pleasant voice bade all and each
Mark every sentence of the Royal Speech.

“ At peace with every Foreign Power, we pray
That a long peace may follow Europe’s fray.
Napoleon nor myself was listened to
When gentling Spain, and Chili and Peru.

The Cretans have rebelled and gone to blows
But I, nor France, nor Russia, interpose.

Over the Porte’s Danubian domains,

With its consent, Charles Hoiienzoi.lern reigns.
Our Scotia nova and our Brunswick new
Would join with Canada ; which they shall do.

With Indian famine we have striven our best,

And a fine harvest comes to do the rest.

The Fenians vaunted, but their hopes are o’er,

To Erin habeas corpus we restore.

The cholera is all but gone. ’Tis wise
Upon the cattle still to keep your eyes.

Pure water is our need. Let those who know
Inform us how we best may bid it flow.

The Estimates are framed with careful heed
To prudent thrift, but yet to what we need.

Moderate requirements will not shock your nerves;:
We’d mend the Army, and we’d found Reserves.

Again the topic which the public names
Par excellence, Reform, attention claims,

I trust deliberations, carried on

With Moderation (one for you, Lord John)

And mutual Forbearance, soon may lead
To measures which shall find you all agreed,—

The present balance not unduly shift,

But freely shall extend the franchise-gift.

Workmen and masters quarrel—we behold
Suffering, and loss ; and outrage, I am told.

Let a Commission learn the truth for you
As to trades’ unions, and employers’, too.

Children engaged in sundry trades have lacked
The kind protection of the Factories Act,

Give it, and be its benefits enjoyed
In workshops, too, where women are employed.

For Jack, the Merchant-Sailor, please to do
Something like what, you’ve done for Jack in blue,
And knock off certain shipping charges, pray,

The Emperor op tiie French has led the way.

Insolvent Railways look to you for cure,

So do the London sick and other poor,
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