Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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[June 29, 1867.


Obtaining Husbands under False Pre-
tences, 166

Obiit 27 February, 1867, 95
Ode land paid) to Miss Terry, 54
Ode to Mrs. Grundy, 147
Official Changes, 117
“Oh, Whalley, Whalley!” 100
“ Old King Cole,” 96
Old Questions Answered, 90
Old Sky and New Sky, 259
One-Horse Shay (The), 117
Oracle Advertised (An), 241
Orders of the same Order, 59
Our Gymnasium, 2
Our Parting Kick, 4
Our Theatrical Spectator, 221, 251
Outrage on an Ism (An). 122
Our Virtuous Vestries, 1S6
Ozone, 42

P^ean for Dizzy (A), 253
Palaeontological Pipes, 14S
Paradise in Hyde Park (A), 241
Parks and the Police (The), 154
Parliamentary Programme (The), 71
Parochial Collective Wisdom, 29
Parody upon a Parasite (A), 196
Peabody on the Turf (A), 233
Peace against Prestige, 178
Peacocks of the Church (The), 13
Pedigree Advertisements, 202
Pedigree Promotion, 127
Peeps at Paris, 105. 123, 141, &c.

Penance made Pleasant (A), 3
Perils of the Parks (The), 32
Persecution at Wolverhampton, 90
Personal Rating (A), 138
Peter, Martin, and Jack, 37
Pictures for Prison Walls, 32
Piety and Property, S9
Pigeon Shooting, 212
Pig in a Poke (A), 228
Pigs of Great Price, 114
Pith of a Petition (The), 176
Pleasing Muddle (A), 75
Poetry in the Pantry, 188
Poets : an Eclogue Abridged (The), 143
Polite Conversation, 22
Political Significance of the Chignon, 175
Polyphemus in Parliament, 10
Poor Children's Dinner-Parties, 54
Poor Pigeons and Gulls ! 238
Pope’s Way with the Brigands (The), 201
Popinjay on War and Peace, 217
Popper Papers (The), 55
Portrait at Fault (A), 41
Possibilities of the Future, 66
Practical “ Goak ” (A), 207
Prescription (A), 177
Preventive of Brass Knuckles (A), 30
Priceless Loyalty, 102
Proposed Demonstration of the Fair Un-
represented, 177
Prorogation of Parliament, 43
Pros aud Cons, 169
Prospect of Possumus (A), 132
Prussian Treatment of Danes, 14S
Pulpit Readings, 168
Punch’s Derby Prophecy, 209, 228
Punch's Essence of Parliament, 63, 74, 84,
94, &c.

Punch to President, 196

Purple and the Fustian (The), 167 •

Puzzled, 221

Quantum Suff. in the Workhouses, 3
Queer Christmas Day (A), 14
Quos De.us Vult Perdere, 182
Reassuring Intelligence, 169
Recommendation to Ritualists (A), 22
Reform for Rogues, 121
Remedy for Roughs (The), 260
Remissness Reprimanded, 91
Resolution of Reform, 76
Retaliation for Ladies, 28
Rhymes for Reformers, 60
Riddles, 18

Rifleman’s Return (The), 209
Right Man in the Right Place (The), 256
Rights of Reform (The), 90
Ritualism aud Business, 137
Ritualism in the Kitchen, 121
Ritualism Rampant, 229
Ritualist Aggression, 222
Robin Hood’s Riflemen, 191
Roman Catholic Demonstration at Bir-
mingham, 263
Rome making Way, 214
Safety for Soldiers, 7
Sample of Stage-Slang (A), 95
Sanger v. Beales, 80
Savage Art of Hairdressing (The), 95
Scientific Courtship, 261
Scientific Wife-Killing. 147
“Scots Wha’ Hae ! ” 233
Self-Government v. Shelf-Govemment. 27
Semper Paratus, 11S
Setting Bonnets at Bachelors, 145
Shakspearian Exercise (A), 23

Shall Lovely Woman Vote? 179
“ Shall we Join the Ladies ? ” 110
Shall we Rub “No Popery!” off the
Door, 151

Siddons to the Rescue, 151
Singular Church Services, 93
Singular Conduct in a Public-House, 106
Solvitur Aberrando, or Walpole’s Wan-
derings, 192

Some more Things not Exhibited at the
Paris Exhibition, 167
Song of a Head-Centre, 109
Song on a Steeple-Chace, 18
Stanza in the Lucid Style, 10
Stoker's Strike (The), 136
Strike Away, Tailors ! 176
Strike of Army-Surgeons (The), 195
Strike of Governesses, 144
Strike of Smock Frocks (A), 134
Striking Suggestions, 195
Strong Hint (A), 137
Substitutes for Profane Swearing, 105
I Suggestion for Mr. Spurgeon (A), 85
; Sunday Reform Bill Wanted (A), 21S
j Suppliants in Southwark, 85
I Sweet Little Cherubs who Sit up Aloft, 92
Sweet Thing in ChigDOns (A), 89
Tall Talk by a Bishop, 228
i Taraban the Teetotaller, 168
j Temperance and Sobriety, 239
Temperate Temperance League (The), 190
Theatrical Impertinences, 141
Thermometrical, 44

“ They Manage these Things Better in
France,” 252

They ’re Saved ! They ’re Saved ! 15S
Things not yet Exhibited at the Paris
Exhibition, 137
Those Loves of Bonnets, 201
Thought for Trades’ Unions, 200
Through the Dirt to the House of Com-
mons, 69

Tin ! Tin! Tin ! 242

Titles and Headings of Chapters of Forth-
coming Novels, 13
To Lydia, 175
Tory Slanders, 82
Town and Country, 145
Trap to Catch a Soldier (A), 121
Triumph of the Sphynx (The), 249
Truth at the Academy Dinner, 199
Truth in Two Languages (A), 55
Two Different Stories, 234
Undiplomatic—Very, 205
Un Sou la Ligne, 75

Very Legitimate Indignation Meeting
(A), 109

Very Natural, 109
Vestryman Refreshed (A), 50
Veterinary Crispin (A), 71
Victor Hugo on England, 262
Victoria Park in Peril, 244
Vigilance Committee (The), 33
Vision of the Future (A), 217
Visit to Venice (A), 145
Vivian Grey (Young and Old), 264
Volunteer Corps of Invincibles, 197
Votes for Lodgers, 127
Wager, Walpole, and Toomer, 154

Wail of the Old Whip (The), 103
“ Wait till They’ve Weighed,” 214
Wanted—a Little More of the Tornado, 133
Wanted—a Tornado, 66
Waste of the Public Money, 164
w eather (The), 33
Well-Spoken Young Man (The). 76
What 1 Thought on Seeing the Lions, 71
What the Lions Thought of it, 133
What the Metropolitan Vestries Sang, 19
Whitebait and Wickedness, 200
White upon Black, 17
Who would be a King? 263
Why, at Last, I Believe in Reform, 212
“ Why did you Die?" 234
Womanhood Suffrage, 12S
Word Splitting, 144
Working Men’s Adviser (The), 117
j Worse Strike than the Tailors (A), 206
| Y”e Working-Men of England, 189


Before the Trial, 97
Blind Man’s Buff, 117
Block on the Line (A), S7
Bull they Wouldn’t Fight (The), 171
Carried, Nem. Con., 203
Cat out of the Bag (The), 257
Derby, 1867. Dizzy wins with “ Re-
form Bill,” 215

D’lsrael-i in Triumph ; or, The Modem
Sphynx, 246, 247

Extremes must Meet; or, a Bit of Prac-
tical Science, 149

Gladiators Preparing for the Arena, 46
Heads I win, Tails you Lose, 77
Honest Potboy (The), 107
“ Irrepressible Lodger” (The), 139
Ladies’ Advocate (The), 225
Lions at Last (The), 57
Mad-Doctor (The), 235
Mill’s Logic; or, Franchise for Females,

Move on, Bumble! 25
Political Egg-Dance (The), 267
Political Kidnapping, 67
Political Tailors (The), 193
Punch’s Pantomime, 5
Rival Sweepers, 15

They ’re Saved! They ’re Saved! 160,161
“ To be Sold,” 183

Wrong of Search, or the Luggage Ques-
tion (The), 35


Accommodating—Very! 4
“ Alma Mater,” 242
Answers for our Artist, 96
Arcadian Amenities, 164
j At the Sunday School, 106

Bad Excuse Better than None, 125

Barometrical, 251

Beware ! 196

Boxing-Day, 14

Brushing Pa’s new Hat, 192



“ By Authority,” 42
Candour, 206
Can’t be too Careful, 100
Caution, 76

Colloquial Equivalents, 51
“ Coming to an Understanding,” S3
Common Objects in our Hedgerows, 10
Compliments of the Season (The), 178
Condolence, 212
Decided Opinion (A), 43
Derby Day, 1867 (The), 211
Dilemma (A), 262

DissectingRoom,Zoological Gardens, 219
Doosid Awkward Question (A), 266
Doubtful Compliment (A), 243
Events of the Months, 62, 102
Family Man (A), 92
Fashions for 1867, 53
Fine Unsophisticated Old Boy from the
Country, 182
Force of Habit, 152
Gardening for June, 263
Hunting, and no End ! 186
Hunting the Wild Boar, 198
Illustrated Dramatic Advertisements,

In Consequence of the Tailors’ Strike, 208
Intelligent Pet, 70
Irish Architecture, 230
“ Jolly Day we had Last Week,” 156
Little Heathen, 90

Lion at Northumberland House (The), 55
Look before you Leap, 128
“ May the Difference of Opinion,” &c.,

Mistaken Kindness, 112
Most Successful Amateur Party of the
Season (The), 24

Mr. Punch’s Designs for the New
National Gallery, 40
Mr. Punch’s Prize Ring, 20
National Surmise, 56
Nature and Art, 135
New and Becoming Style of Head Dress,

Nothing like a Classical Education, 8
Orthodox, 123

Paris Commissioners Reading the Offi-
cial Catalogue, 174
Physical Strength v. Intellect, 86
Playing at Policemen, 210
Pleasures of Yachting (The), 165
Plutocrat (A), 176
Presence of Mind, 202
Private Theatricals at the Titwillows’

Probable, 11

Punch’s Physiology of Courtship, 118,
134, 13S, &c.

Quiet Smoke (A), 31
Rather too Literal, 114
Ratiocination, 93

Recollection of the Derby Day, 1S67
(A), 240

Recollection of the Zoological Gardens
(A), 181

Recreation for the Army, 50
Rejected Design for the New Law
Courts (The), 173

Remarkable Study from Nature (A), 224
Retributive Justice, 253
Ruling Passion (The), 21S
Rural Studies — Yeomanry Going to
Drill, 260

Sausage Machine (The), 154
Sceptical, 122

Sensation Water-Jump or Sport in 1S66
(A), IS

Sentiment, 190
Sharp—Rather ! 2
Shivei lisation, 28

Sketch taken in Park Lane, May 6,1867
(A), 201
Slippery! 60

Snow Storm, January 2, 1867 (The), 30

Society, 142

Sport (?), 238

Statuesque, 144

Stroke of Business (A), 179

“Sweety, Dear ! ” 110

Swell aud Cabby, 221

Taking a Hint, 145

Tantalus, 34

Too Bad ! 187

Too Late, 167

Uncle Tom the Bachelor, 234
Unwelcome Attentions, 256
Veneration, 72

Very Latest Fashion (The), 22
Victim (A), 228
Weighty Question (A), 132
Wet Derby (The), 231
What H. M. Civil Servants Lave to
Endure, 1S9

“ What’s the Odds ? ” 82

Whit Monday—as it1 'ught not to be, 250

Wrongs of Ireland (The), 80




Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio


Bildbeschriftung: Finis





Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1867
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1862 - 1872
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 52.1867, Index, S. 270