Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 26.1902

DOI Heft:
No. 111 (June, 1902)
DOI Artikel:
Khnopff, Fernand: A belgian painter: M. Henri Cassiers
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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Henri Cassiers

he resolved to live as
much as possible in the
country, and spent several
winters at Knocke, a little
sea-side village of Belgium
where a group of artists
had taken up their resi-
dence, attracted by the
charm of the wide-spreading
dunes, with their fine atmo-
spheric effects, subdued
colouring, and delicate
chiaroscuro. He also tra-
velled in Brittany, and
made trips to Holland,
Italy, and as far north as
Scotland; but it was to
Holland he returned most
.~ " .]- "» -^^^^v^ frequently, enamoured as

<■ V^IV/^x' he was with the constant

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\ - .,. . - ^ ) humidity of the atmo-

sphere, resulting in ever-

"au bord de la meuse" prom an etching by h. cassiers varying effects of mist;

the massive clouds, always

together, who, whilst really
working seriously, enjoyed
each other's company and
smoked their pipes and
drank their glass of
national beer.

Under these conditions
Henri Cassiers made
rapid progress, and his com-
rades were astonished at
the ease of his execution
and the wonderful facility
with which he assimilated
ideas. When he at last
decided to exhibit, his
work at once attracted
notice, every fresh show
marking an advance on
the last, and he quickly
became celebrated for his
skill of execution, his
delicacy of colouring and
cleverness of composition,
which placed him in the
first rank amongst expo-
nents of black-and-white
and water-colour art. Being -ftfex^ZL-
now able to devote him-
self entirely to painting, " katwyk " from an etching by h. cassiers