Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 26.1902

DOI issue:
No. 114 (September, 1902)
DOI article:
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Studio- Talk

the highest importance, and one
greatly interesting all who prac-
tise decorative art, by means of
the official letter addressed by
him to the Presidents of the
Salons—the Society Nationale
des Beaux-Arts and the Societe
des Artistes Francais. The in-
trepid writer therein protests
with justice against the " grave
impropriety " of allowing manu-
facturers to exhibit in the deco-
rative art sections " under their
own names works of which, as
is well known, they are not the
authors. Here," says M. Jour-

by mrs- pendant by mrs. dain, " is an abuse which affects

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us keenly, and against which we
energetically protest."


"The object of the Salons,"
pendant by mrs. continues M. Jourdain, f'is not

MURA only to bring forward the pro-

ductions of artists eminent,
renowned, and universally ad-

The exhibition of M. Felix Borchardt consisted of mired, but also to throw light on the efforts
a series of Saxon and Bavarian landscapes with of beginners, who have all the more need of
some portraits. La Tourbiere is a very forcible encouragement and support inasmuch as their per-
study, full of refined expression; but the painting sonality is unknown to the public. As regards the
which down to the present moment ranks as decorative arts, the case of those artists who, like
the best of the artist's work
is the portrait group of Lilli
and Bob, painted in full
sunlight. In this M. Bor-
chardt has achieved a
marvellous atmospheric
effect, in which humidity
is combined with the most
vivid luminosity.

A few studies, drawings,
and pastels, amongst which
must be specially noted the
Paysanne Bavaroise, here
reproduced, completed a
show of which the art-
loving people of Paris dis-
played considerable appre-

M. Frantz Jourdain, pre-
sident of the " Syndicat
de la Presse Artistique,"
has raised a question of "lilli and bob" by felix borchardt
