Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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china cabinet in mahogany inlaid

with rosewood and boxwood

designed by g. ll. morris
executed by w. t. walker

decidedly inferior. But good, sound workmanship
is what tells most and pays best in the long run;
and therefore householders who will demand what
they know to be only second or third-rate are
doing justice neither to themselves noi to the
producers. Be a man's purchasing power never so
limited, he may rest assured that it is truer eco-
nomy to acquire his household goods one at a
time, each piece being thoroughly good of its kind,
than to furnish his home completely from top to
bottom with a cheap, makeshift collection of furni-
ture ; for such will never be able to give satisfaction
to anyone concerned.

the material out of which it is made ; for strained
effects, obtained contrary to and in defiance of the
nature of the material, are inherently wrong. Nor
should the skill and ingenuity displayed in such
processes persuade one to overlook their radical
defects. Any method patently wrong carries its
own condemnation on the face of it. Some indeed
there are which, to a modified degree, are legiti-
mate, but which, nevertheless, verge so near on
the borderland that they are continually liable to
exceed the limits of their material. Among in-
stances of such transgression are sometimes to be
found articles of Austrian bent-woodwork. Clever
as are the results attained by the artificial con-
tortions of a substance not by nature pliant, it
must be confessed that, except for the advantage
of greater lightness which wood has as compared

Every article of furniture should be constructed corner cabinet in walnut

. ... . . designed and executed

in accord with the properties and possibilities of by hampton & sons, ltd.