Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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writing-cabinet designed and executed

in burr oak by ernest w. gimson

panelled sides and turned legs connected by a few
sturdy stretchers, has an architectonic and restful
appearance that, devoid of all pronounced features,
ought to insure its harmonising with almost any
reasonable scheme of decoration, though not with
very aggressive rococo nor antinomian " nouveau

The artistic treatment of the upright, as dis-
tinguished from the grand, piano presents a much
greater problem. The form of the instrument is
itself so unsatisfactory that it is difficult to make
an upright piano look picturesque and at the same
time leave no uncertainty as to what object of
furniture it really is. A piano ought to be un-
mistakably a piano ; not to appear to be a cupboard
nor a writing-bureau. The two upright pianos
illustrated (pp. 61 and 62) are both from the
designs of Mr. C. R. Ashbee. The one shown
opened, with double-hinged doors to fold back
against the sides, out of the way, is of mahogany
richly inlaid ; the interior, of holly-wood, presenting
a pleasing contrast to the darker colour of the outer
surface. The other example (p. 61) is in grey
oak, the interior being, like the last-mentioned, of
holly. The metal mounts ■ are iron, hammered
and chased, the pierced ornament being effectively
shown up by a backing of red leather. This case
was made by the Guild of Handicraft.

The same executants carried out, from Mr.

chords, and spinets — to
indicate the sort of motifs
on which piano decora-
tion may be based. One
example illustrated (p. 61)
shows how appropriately
Messrs. Broadwood have
adapted the form of the
spinet to this purpose.

Another (p. 60), by the
same makers, designed by
Mr. E. L. Lutyens, is a
large and handsome instru-
ment, in light oak, with
minutely panelled case and

turned spindle - legs, con- mJilZll i. <§

nected near the ground by a llffiKft

complex system of stretchers HBmjffi *** jjy|£jfcfc^^~^~~ii£-~

on flowing lines. But the - , fl
third (p. 60), also of oak, de- . ,
signed on the severely digni- :.....*---* —--------------------------------■----------igzij

fied lines of the Cromwellian bookcase in oak designed by arthur j. penty

period, with its plainly executed by hofler, ltd.
