Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Waagen, Gustav Friedrich
Treasures of art in Great Britain: being an account of the chief collections of paintings, drawings, sculptures, illuminated mss., etc. (Supplement): Galleries and cabinets of art in Great Britain — London, 1857

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Letter II.



The arms of the House of Lancaster, p. la, show that this book was
executed for a member of that family. From the style of the
miniatures, the date 1470-80 may be assigned to this work, which
may therefore possibly have been executed for Henry VII. before
he ascended the throne.

Prayer-book, small octavo, written in one column, with a small
minuscule letter, and richly bound in red velvet worked in gold.
This contains a number of very delicate miniatures, agreeing so
strikingly with those in the celebrated Hours of Anne of Bretagne,
that they may be assigned to a somewhat earlier period of the
same painter. The stage of development, and the style of the very
commonplace sloping stripes which form the border ornaments,
point to 1480 as the most probable period of execution. Of the
four Evangelists, each on a separate page at the commencement of
the Gospel, St. Mark is the most remarkable. He is represented
as an old man writing, of portrait-like character. In the picture of
the Annunciation the angel is of great delicacy ; also the Virgin in
the Presentation, and in Glory. The heads of Christ and of Pilate
are distinguished by originality and refinement.

Prayer-book. Octavo. Part is failing at the beginning. It is
written on fine parchment, and contains pleasing border decorations
of flowers and fruits, like those mentioned in a former MS., and
which ornament many French and Netherlandish MSS. from 1480
to 1530. The pictures themselves, some of which are in chiaroscuro,
are of very inferior value. The work belongs without doubt to the
North of France, and to the termination of the 15th century.

I proceed finally to the MSS. with Dutch miniatures.

Prayer-book. Wide octavo, written in Dutch in one column, in
a vigorous minuscule letter. This is a work of second-rate order.
The two first pictures—the Annunciation, and the Virgin and Child
in the initial—alone deserve notice. The heads of the Virgin are
of pretty round forms, and delicate in feeling. The borders of these
two pages are also rich and careful, like those of the two last men-
tioned MSS., though not of great refinement, Many of the other
borders still display the olden style, with rich flourishes drawn with
the pen, golden knosps, and the gay, acanthus-like tendrils. Upon
the whole the date may be assigned to about 1490.

A Latin Missal, bound in red velvet. Large octavo, written in
one column, in a strong minuscule letter, on fine parchment, with