Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 43.2010

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
Goss, Vladimir Peter: The "Croatian Westwork" revisited
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4. BňAzpýíZ, pčEwzvhť, /htg r^tz/r^ yz*o%/z4 4. BAÁyúý^ Gzzr<r3 zz^ GpzzlAzz y/lzMhz, zhtř V f^zztzzri, ^/zzz4p/9%.
pG. R^Ďrc.' AÍ^Jř%/W çf Č7Ví#M7? GGřcbgAV Aí^zzzzz/zřzzA dp V. R^rö.' Af%j<?%;%? of Gozztzhzz DGřozlzgAzz/ Aíczzzz/zzg^A, 3p^-

Croatia [Fig. 12] F Investigations by Ivan Stopat in
Slovenia also highlight the Carolingian p^pe of an
aisleless building with a rectangular sanctuary, be it
in wood or in permanent building materialF
Another signihcant wanderer might háve also been
more instrumental than we háve thought. Was the
famous Saxon Gottschalk, present at Trpimir's court
from 846 to 848, a perennial traveler from one impor-
tant Carolingian monastery to another — Corbie, Cor-
vey, Hautvillers, Orbais — among the transmitters of
architectural ideas, too? It is known that Gottschalk
had some influence on the Duke, and he even tried
to teach Trpimir the idea of prédestination!*^"
The second, more cohérent group, today usually
dated to the second half of the 9^ Century, includes
the church of St. Cecilia at Stupovi in Biskupija
[Fig. 3], the churches at Bukurovica podvornice
and Lopuška glavica, all in Biskupija [Figs. 4, 5], the
Savior's Church at Cetina [Figs. 7-10], St. Mary at
Blizna [Fig. 6], and the cathédral of the royal city of

On Lobor, see FILIPEC 2007 (see in note 2); on Zalavâr
— Récéskút, see MORDOVIN, M.: The Building Hlstory of
Zalavár — Récéskút Church. In: GzzzzzzT T AiVAw/ ^
CEE, 12, 2006, pp. 9-34.
" STOPAŘ, I.: X^zroAmPíZ /zzz ÚAzwznE;??. Ljubljana
1987, pl. 2-7, 10.

Biograd [Fig. 1 lj. The common feature of the build-
ings is rounded buttresses, complété vaulting, and a
western massif. The buildings represent a compact
stylistic group, and as such they must hâve corne
into being within one génération or so. The western
massif can be best studied at the only reasonably
preserved building — the Savior's Church at Cetina.
It appears as a réduction of a "Voll-Westwerk" - a
tall, tapering tower with a two-storey annex open-
ing onto the single nave. The upper storey [Figs. 8,
10] was almost certainly reserved for the "župan"
— the administrátor of the county of Cetina, Gastica
(Gastiha), recorded in an inscription on the choir-
screen. The eastern end of the church is trefoil [Fig.
7], which could be seen as a reference to numerous
small centralized buildings built in Croatia between
the 9^ and the 11^ Century. The most developed
westworks, such as at Cetina and St. Cecilia, were
redected in the westwork of otherwise much more
traditional church at Zažvič [Fig. 1.3].
On Gottschalk, see KATIČ, L.: Saksonac Gottschalk na
dvoru kneza Trpimira. In: Břgoy/GsAz? t/WO/Az, 22, 1932, pp.
1-28; and MILOŠEVIČ 2000 (see ln note 16), Vol. 1, pp.
