Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 43.2010

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1
DOI Artikel:
Goss, Vladimir Peter: The "Croatian Westwork" revisited
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P. Gert.

/^r/7j at Aachen is relatively simple comparée! to St.
Riquier at Centula, or the magniheent westwork at
Corvey, yet more assertive than other chronologically
close achievements such as at Inden or Steinbach.
In a careful analysis, Braunfels has distinguished
the functions of the several areas of the Chapel.
The "Palatine Chapel" is the octagonal space in the
middle, the upper storey is reserved for the ruler
and his retinue, with a throne of the Emperor at
its western side, next to the tower which contained
another Emperor's throne, facing the atrium, and
above, on the upper storey, there was the chamber
storing the relies.
The throne that faced the atrium was placed so
the Ruler could receive the of the public. It
was above the tomb of Charlemagne, which was so
well hidden that the Normans missed it when sacking
Aachen in 881, and Otto III barely managed to hnd
it in 1000. The central area, surmounted by a dome
showing Christ and the Eiders of the Apocalypse,

BRAUNFELS, W (ed.): PďPAr Gnvtř. Vols. 1-5. Düsseldorf
1965, Vol. 3, texts by G. BANDMANN, F. KREUSCH, L.
HUGOT, and W SAGE, pp. 424-590. One notices that there
are great, even fundamental différences of opinion among
the listed top experts, which make a proper understanding of
the Chapel ever so more difhcult. For this reason, I find the

was the earliest preserved "sacred space" to the
north of the Alps. What is, according to Braunfels,
absolutely new, is the appearance of the tribune
with the throne (although one may have stood at the
"Westbau" of St. Denis). What is also worth noting
is the of the sacred (central space) and the
zone. This does not seem to have been the
case at St. Riquier, an argument for the role of local
and individual factors in the création of individual
The early history of the site of the Palatine
Chapel is also not without interest. Aachen,
is a place dedicated to a Celtic deity of water.
It continued to be a populär spa and a pilgrimage
spot. St. Mary duly inherited the place, and in the 5^
Century her sanctuary was built over Grano's springs.
The place is for the hrst time mentioned in written
sources when Pepin restored the Chapel in 761 — 766.
It was apparendy a rotunda with rectangular annexes,
something like a hall plus a sanctuaryA
summary by Wolfgang Braunfels extremely useful. - BRAUN-
FELS, W: Aqulsgrana. In: ATGrň? wřAřwA. Ed.
A. M. ROMANINI. Rome 1991, Vol. 2, pp. 210-216.
^ BRAUNFELS 1965 (see ln note 35), p. 427.
