Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 43.2010

DOI issue:
Nr. 1
DOI article:
András, Edit: Public monuments in changing societies
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4. TA%<? JAygr Atřrwzz/Azz A 2009. PFoA.* Ccz/A^yy A
/A ^EzE

activist and scholar from Israel) for the Israeli-Pales-
tinian conRict,^ is seemingly totally out of question
in our region, poisoned by constant conRicts due
to the clash between different uncured traumas of
the recent and distant past constantly triggering the
scapegoat device.
The hght of competing memories and competing
narratives of the past are frequently mobilized for
pure political purposes and channelled into violence.
In agreement with Rosalyn Deutsche, the démocratie
public space is about conRicts and négociation and
not about harmonyy however, it is strictly not to
provide a forum for the speech of hatred. In the
urgent need of empathy, of public narration, of pub-
lic participation in the memory work as opposed to
statues and the public sphere being used and abused
in the hands of political forces, artists could serve
as agents of réconciliation and social healing going
against the grain of homogenizing tendencies.
In Poland, the Roman Catholic Church attempts
to use its strong influence on the masses to keep the
bail rolling, that is, to maintain its active political role
it played in the time of socialistu despite the changed
conditions. In 1981, a monument was staged by the
Trade Union of Solidarnošč to commemorate the
failed uprising in Poznan in june 1956 [Fig. 8]. As
Piotr Piotrowski argues: "pKwro AuE/c? To/hDnwfk'

KEYNAN, I.: Collective Memory as a Ptism to Evaluate
Réconciliation. In: TA TA/Ar y ATzwry. TA TAU
ATJR AtřrAEý/fhďrt Aíř/z?or)/ Čhy/Ačwí'. The New School fot
Social Research, New York, 4 — 6 March 2010.

7. UhwAA'yAg /A A T^yy Gy%A
A fAAywt, 2009. P?wgFoA.

Aíczzz/wřAog PcyzzA /93*d. PfgrrpFcA.

zzoF tw/y, gf PoyM% A /
MA ' ^7 zzAoyU ZEAAA — Et ^^ry/^ZEg ^Ař
— ZEEt kgprggnhAT Ay /Ař rz)E/E?EEAA. /I. J UwAAyg
gf E/0EEE?<?E/ Ay IITAyn? EÉEZ/z?
^ E/AAr o/ <% ^gy E?EfA?r<?A A^Azzy
/Ař řE^zzA. A /Mn* ri'A^ZEAA. AT/E^z^oEt ^AAggt gf /Ař
RoE/EZZ UA/i?oAr pmsť/A roEt^rzt/AA
A?<? E/OEz/EZťzzf... ; oz/<? g/ /A^/E r^A ^ A/%vyhoE? Pgg^
PM/TÍT Analysing the importance of the monument,

DEUTSCHE, R.: Public Art and Its Uses. In: CÁAAA
Pz/FAME. CozztřzzZ, UwAxg ďzz2 Uf/zMygzr)/. Eds. H. F. SENIE
- S. WEBSTER. New York 1993, pp. 158-170.
