Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ars: časopis Ústavu Dejín Umenia Slovenskej Akadémie Vied — 43.2010

DOI Heft:
Nr. 2
DOI Artikel:
Kotláriková, Eva: Vincenzo della Greca: Lettioni date da me...: taliansky rukopis v zbierkach Východoslovenského múzea v Košiciach
DOI Seite / Zitierlink: 

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follow-up to the one in Košice, since at the time
of their origin, it was customary for analysis of the
column orders to start with the Tuscan order and
proceed through the Doric order to the Ionie, Cor-
inthian and Composite orders.
Perhaps the most interesting part of the manu-
script is its third part (on pages 35r-57v), which deals
with palace ground plans. Following an introduction
to the topic (on pages 35r-40v), the manuscript turns
(from page 40r) into an overview of various types of
houses and palaces with different styles of internai
space organisation. An architect could also use it as
a well-organised catalogue of construction types for
palaces and residential houses.
The architectural opinion presented in the
manuscript is based on the works of Michelangelo,
Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola and Giacomo délia

Porta. The sélection of buildings recommended by
Vincenzo délia Greca in the overview of construc-
tion types cornes predominantly from the mid- and
late-16^ Century. This sélection fully corresponds
with the academie tendencies to apply classical and
tested schemes, however, it does not necessarily hâve
to rehect also the architectural opinion of Vincenzo
délia Greca. His innovative approach is proved by
the staircase of the SS. Domenico e Sisto church in
Rome, where he ušed the element of the indented
staircase for the hrst time in urban environment; until
then, it was used only in designs for countryside vil-
las. This approach possibly provided the foundation
for the Porto di Ripeta by Alessandro Specchi and
the Spanish Steps by Francesco de Sanctis.
EygÆG /TtawVVhw T
