Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Biuletyn konserwatorski Województwa Podlaskiego — 27.2021

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Table of contents

Introduction page 5
Ks. Jan Nieciecki - The reconstruction ofthe Branicki Garden in Białystok
balustradę sculptures. Proposing ofthe form and iconography page 7
Lech Pawlata - Archaeological research of garden architecture
in the Branicki Garden in Białystok page 51
Maciej Warchoł - Architectural research of roof structures ofgothic churches
in the north-eastern region ofMazooia (Łomża, Niedźwiadna, Szczepankowo)
page 101
Bogumiła Jędrzejewska, Stanisław Zawadzki - The ideological and architectural
project ofthe St. Theresa ofLisieux catholic church in Białowieża, the circumstances
ofits creation and history of implementation page 125
Grzegorz Ryżewski - The oillage of Plutycze - the past and historical
monuments page 151
Wiesław Wróbel - The history ofthe house of Zabłudowski family at the corner
of Rynek Kościuszki Street and Sienkiewicza Street in Białystok page 193
Joanna Polaska - The conseroation ofthe Saloator Mundi iconfrom the
St. Apostles Peter and PauTs Orthodox church in Siemiatycze page 245
Karolina Tałuć - Monument of Joachim Litawor Chreptowicz in Sztabin page 253
Małgorzata Andron - The conseroation of Józef Bieżański's tombstone from
the parish ce me tery in Ostrożany page 265
Monika Stalończyk - Tomb chapel ofthe Bzura family and the mausoleum
ofthe Karczewski and Kozłowski family as new monuments in the register
of monuments ofthe Podlaskie Voivodeship page 273
Joanna Tyszka - The Work ofthe Podlaskie Voivodeship Monument
Conseroation Officer in 2021 page 279
Justyna Zajko-Czochańska - Pundingfor Historical Monuments in 2021
from the Podlaskie Yoioodeship Monument Conseroation Officer page 293

On the cooer:
Page I: Icon Saloator Mundi, unknown artist. After restoration. Photo by M. Niecko