Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 4,2): Camp-stool Fresco, long-robed priests and beneficent genii [...] — London, 1935

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§ 115. Armature in the Last Palatial Age, Continued: Sea-trans.
port of Thoroughbred Horse ; Bow, Spear, and Sword Tablets
and Sepulchral Materials.

Sea-transport of the thoroughbred horse; Large sealing showing horse on
ship ; Minoan transport vessels on seal-stones ; Fine horses on settlings from
H. Triada and ' Little Palace'—characteristic tufts of manes ; Nose bands ■
Riding still unknown; Warlike associations of Chariots on Tablets—inser-
tion of cuirass; Early appearance of horses on Mainland side; Galloping
herd on Shaft-Grave blade; Tablets relating to manufacture of horn-bows;
Semi-domesticated wild-goals; Horns also obtained by hunting; Earlier
Cretan bow of Nilotic and Libyan type; Settlings and documents relating to
arrows; Armoury' deposit,with Chests of arrows ; Tablet referring to 8,6ao
arrows; The bronze ' arroia-plates'—their Mainland diffusion ; Plates
inserted in hardened wood points ; Tablet relating to javelins and darts;
Spears much used by Minoan warriors ; Types of spear-head; Ring to
encircle divided socket—Hektor's spear explained; L. M. LL spear-heads at
Knossos; Sword types of late Palatial Age; Rapiers with strong midribs—
M.M. Illa example; Shaft-Grave specimens ; Zafer'Papoura type; Evolu-
tion from dagger types; Kidney-shaped and oval openings of hi It-plates;
' Homed' sword of Goddess on seal-slone; L. M. I\> 'horned' sword from
Knossos; Later specimens from Zafer Papoura tombs; Dendrd specimen;
' Cruciform' sword type—characteristic of Late Palace ; Evidence of' Cruci-
form ' type from late Chamber Tomb, Mycenae—perhaps of Knossian
warrior; ' Cruciform' swords from Zafer Papoura ; Deposit of ' Sioord
Tablets'; Part of crystal hilt found near ; Royal Officer's name on 'Sword
Tablet'; Tablet referring to store of jo swords ; Sword types on tablets—
occasional' leaf-shaped' outline; Great variety of sepulture at Knossos, but
cultural contents uniform ; No racial distinction in Tomb groups; Arms
indiscriminately deposited in Tombs of various types; ' Tlie Chieftains
Grave' relatively unimportant in size—a simple shaft grave; Ric/i Contents ;
Vessels for food and drink, mirror and hunting spears set above- covering
slabs; Gold necklace—Minoan sign of rank; 'Horned' sword; Cruciform
sivord with agate pommel and gold-plated hilt; On each hilt-plate two
engraved scenes of lion hunting wild-goat.

Coming Clearly an armada of chariots, whether for war or the chase, was

thorough- essential for the prestige of the new dynasty of Knossos among contemporary