Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Wien); Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat; Gilhofer & Ranschburg
Katalog (Nr. 218): A beautiful collection of fine and rare books: autographs, manuscripts, miniatures, standard-works on America, botany, geography, history, literature, medecine, music, philosophy, zoology, etc., etc., books on the fine arts, Judaica, original editions of Luther and Hans Sachs, illustrated books of the 16th-18th century : including the Ptolemy-editions of 1513 and 1535... — Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1929

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Pharmacy. Veterinary Medicine.
248 Alpinas, Prosper. De praesagienda vita et morte aegrotantium lib VII. Cum
praef. H. Boerhaave. Rec. H. D. Gaubius Lugd. Bat. 1733. sm.-4to.
With a large folding portrait of A. (R. Blocksbuysen fee.) and a title-vignet.
Calf, g. b. Frs. 36.—
Brunet I, 200. The best edition. Sprengel calls Alpino „the father of diagnostic
249 Anleitung vielerley Lebensgefahren vorzubeugen. 2 Preisschriften. I. Was fiir
Maschinen und Erfindungen zur Rettung des menschl. Lebens aus verschied.
Gefahren sind bekannt? Von J. H. M. Poppe. Wien 1804. 8. II. Versuch
schiffbruchleidende Seefahrer zu erhalten. Von A. Fothergill. Ibid. With
3 plates. Swd. ! Frs. 36.—
Kurioses Buch liber die Vermeidung v. Ungliicksfallen. Enth. u. a. Blitzableiter, Er-
findungen das Leben im Kriege vor Kugeln und Bomben zu sichern, ... das
Lebendigbegraben zu verhiiten Gefahr d. d. Taufen m. kaitem Wasser, etc. Der
2. Teil behandelt alle mit d. Schiffbruch zusammenhangenden Fragen, dar. Vorschriften fiir
Schwimmer von J. E. F. Guts Muths. Selten.
250 Fludd, Rob. (vel de Fluctibus). Medicina catholica, sen mysticum artis-
medicandi sacrarium. In tomos divisum II, in quibus metaphisica et physica
tam sanitatis tuendae, quam morborum propulsandorum ratio pertractatur.
Frankfurt 1629. fol. With title-vignet, a large folding plate and
24 very curious copper-engravings in the text. — Bound up with:
Frizius, Joach. (pseud. Rob. Fludd). Summum bonum, quod est verum magiae
cabalae verae, fratrum roseae crucis verorum subjectum. N. p. (Frankfurt)
1629. On title a symbolic large vignet entitled: Dat rosa mel apibus. Half
calf, g. b. Frs. 240.—
Ebert 7701, 9.
One of the most scarce books of the famous English physician and mystical philosopher
Robert Fludd (1574—1637). He develops the occult principles of medicine and explains his
perceptions of the nature of health and disease in consideration of the superstructure of the material
and immaterial world. — Fludd is thought by some to be the inventor of the barometer.
For the „Frizius“ see Gardner, no. 233: „The authorship of this work has been denied
by Fludd, but it is very evident that he was largely responsible for its production and certainly
approved of it. It is written in defence of the Rosicrucian Fraternity’s claims, and contains therein
the views of Fludd and those of his friends. It has recently become exceedingly scarce".
The text is rather browned, otherwise in good condition.
251 Hagen, K. G. Lehrbucb d. Apothekerkunst. Wien, Trattner, 1788. 8vo. XVI,
984 p. Bds. Frs. 18.—
An esteemed pharmaceutical manual which run through several editions. Somewhat stained.
252 Hippocrates. ‘'Amxvra -ca too ‘iTcrcoxparous. Omnia operaHippocratis, graece.
Venice, Aldus et Andreas Asulanus socer, 1526. fol. With Aldus’
device on the title and on the last leaf. Brown leather. Frs. 750*—
Renouard, Annales des Aide, p. 102, nr. 1. Choulant p. 22: „Erste,
schone und seltene Ausgabe."
On title, besides an other ms. note a contemporary notice: Robertus
Walmigley and, on the fly leaf: T. Willoughby.
Large copy with very interesting old ms. notes and some stains in places.
