Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Wien); Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat; Gilhofer & Ranschburg
Katalog (Nr. 218): A beautiful collection of fine and rare books: autographs, manuscripts, miniatures, standard-works on America, botany, geography, history, literature, medecine, music, philosophy, zoology, etc., etc., books on the fine arts, Judaica, original editions of Luther and Hans Sachs, illustrated books of the 16th-18th century : including the Ptolemy-editions of 1513 and 1535... — Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1929

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41 Kaimund, Ferd., der bekannte Schauspieler und Dichter, 1790—
1836. P. a. s. Wien, am 20. November 1834. 2 p. 4. Mil voller Unter-
schrift. Frs. 450.—
Prachtstiick von grofiter Seltenheit. Zwei Seiten langes, sehr hiibsches
Gedicht mit der Ueberschrift „An Loewe", den beriihmten Hofburgschau-
spieler, der als Mensch und Kiinstler gepriesen wird.
See Reproduction, Plate VI.

42 Batsch, A. J. G. K. Elenchus Fungorum (Gattungen und Arten der Schwamme).
Accedunt icones 57 fungorum nonnullorum agri Jenensis, sec. naturam ab
auctore depictae, aeri incisae et vivis coloribus fucatae a J. S. C a p i e u x.
Cum 2 contin., tog. 3 vols. Halle, Gebauer, 1783—89. 4to. With 42 engr. plates
containing 232 repres. of fungi, carefully coloured by hand. Text in Latin and
German. Hf. calf. (si. rubbed). Frs. 120.—
Pritzel 475. Rare, especially with all Supplements. Some pencil-notes on the plates.
43 Bergner, J. & J. G. Trog. Die essbaren, verdachtigen & giftigen Schwamme der
Schweiz. Nach der Natur gez. und gemalt v. J. Bergner u. beschrieben von J.
G. Trog. Bern 1845—50. fol. 46 pp. Text, 1 1. Register, 36 coloured Plates in li-
thogr. (all that has been publ.) FIf. cf. Frs. 140.—•
Pritzel 9533. Very rare private print, only in a few copies published.
44 Browne, P. The civil and natural history of Jamaica. 3 parts,
in 1vol. London 1756. fol. W. 49 illustr. and a map of Kingston.
Yellow Russia, gilt back, gilt edges, inside dent. Frs. 400.—
Pritzel 1253. Brunet I. 1282:
„Cette edition etait jadis plus recherchee que la seconde." The first
part gives an accurate description of that island, its situation and soil; with a
brief account of its former and present state, government, etc. The second part
deals with the history of natural production, including the various sorts of
native fossils; vegetables, Quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles
and insects, and the third part contains an account of the nature of clima-
tes in general, and their different effects upon the human body. This work
is especially important in botanic regard, being illustrated, with exquisite
plates which have been executed with beautiful care and accuracy.
Very rare and desirable book, in excellent condition.
45 Brunfels, Otto (d,e). Herbarum vivae eicones. 3 pts. and appendix
in one volume. StraBburg, Johann Schott, 1531—36. fol. 4 leaves,
266 pp., 3 leaves; 30 leaves; 2 leaves, 90 pp., 1 leaf, 202 pp., 3 lea-
ves; 240 p., 2 leaves, the whole including 4 blank leaves. With
a beautiful border, 242 woodcuts representing
plants and a device by Hans Weiditz together
with someborders, the coatof arms of StraBburg
