Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Gilhofer & Ranschburg (Wien); Gilhofer, Buch- und Kunstantiquariat; Gilhofer & Ranschburg
Katalog (Nr. 218): A beautiful collection of fine and rare books: autographs, manuscripts, miniatures, standard-works on America, botany, geography, history, literature, medecine, music, philosophy, zoology, etc., etc., books on the fine arts, Judaica, original editions of Luther and Hans Sachs, illustrated books of the 16th-18th century : including the Ptolemy-editions of 1513 and 1535... — Wien: Gilhofer & Ranschburg, 1929

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139 Abicht, J. G. Tauf-Actus welcher bey der Heil. Taufe eines gebohrnen Judens
Isaac Joseph Leib, nun Christian Leib genandt den 13. Oct. 1730 zu Wittenberg
ist gehalten worden. Wittenberg und Zerbst, Zimmermanns sei. Erben (1730).
4to. 28 pp. Swd. Frs. 50.—
140 Balmis, Abrah. de. Peculium Abrae. Grammatica hebraea una cum Latino
nuper edita. Venetiis, Daniel Bomberg, 1523. 4to. 316 unn. 11. (the last blank).
Corresponding Latin-Hebrew text. Limp vellum. Frs. 240.—
Panzer VIII, 481, 1202.
Good copy of a rare early Hebrew grammar, only a slight stain at lower margin towards
the end.
141 Boeschenstain, Joh. Septem Psalmi poenitentiales ex Hebraeo
ad verbum Latine Germaniceque translate Augsburg. Sigism.
Grimm, 1520. 4to. Hebrew, roman and gothic letters, 12 unn.
leaves (the last blank). MS. vellum. Frs. 300.-—
Kuczynski 273. Zapf, Augsburgs Buchdruckergesch. II, p. 131. Not in
Proctor, Panzer, Graesse, Goedeke, &c.
Extremely rare first edition of Boeschenstein‘s translation of the
seven penitential psalms. The text is here given in Hebrew, Latin and Ger-
man, printed in three columns.
Boeschenstein, a German Hebraist, was born at Eslingen in 1472. He
was among the earliest to revive the study of Hebrew in Germany, having
been a pupil of Moses Mollin and a teacher of Hebrew at Ingolstadt in 1505,
at Augsburg in 1513, and at Wittenberg in 1518. He died after 1530.
This copy is of special interest as it contains 10 leaves added at end
with very interesting explanations of Hebrew words and sentences of the 7
Psalms written by the famous Hebraist and Lutheran Johan Forster or Forst-
heim. These interesting explanations, written in Hebrew and Latin are en-
titled: In Septem psalmos penitentiales Forstheni9. They contain exact expla-
nations of all sentences of the Seven Penitential Psalms translated by Boe-
schenstein. Forster lived from 1495 to 1556, he was a severe adherent of Luther
and became professor and teacher of Hebrew at Wittenberg in 1548. His most
important work is the Dictionarium hebraicum novum.
Very fine and clean copy, from the possession of the
famous Hebraist John Forster, a few MS. marginal notes probably
also written by Forster. Besides the 10 leaves at end, has been added a smal-
ler leaf between 1. a1 and a2 with Hebrew text, also written in the 16 th cent.,
perhaps by another hand.
142 Brunnemann, J. Tractatus juridicus de Dardanariis germanice. Von Korn-
J ii d e n. Lipsiae 1712. 4to. 88 p. Swd. Frs. 36.—
Rare antisemitic tract also of special interest for its juristical and economical contents.
Somewhat browned.
