Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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The Compleat GENTLEMAN,
whole Titles are contained in these
Chapters following.
Ghap.l./^\F 'Nobility in Generali. pag.i^
Chap. 2. V_/Of the dignity and necesjity os Lear-
ning inPrinces and Nobility. p„ jg-
Chap.3. The time os Learning. p. 21.
Chap.4. T-he Duty os Parents in their Childrens..
Education. p. ^qo
Chap. 5. Of a Gentlemans carriage in the Vni-
verjity, p. 37,
Ghap.6. Os sile inspeabjng, writing3 and read-
ing Hiflory.
Chap.7. Os Cofmography. p. 55.
ChapB. Os memorable observation in furvey os
the Earth' p.653:
Chap.9. Os Geometry. p. 72.
Chap. 10. Of Poetry , p. 78*
Chap. 11. Of Mujits. p-9^o
Chap. 12. Os Statues and Medalls^c. p.104.
Chap. 15. Of Drawing andPainting inOyl.p. 125
Chap.14. Dire&ion sor painting Cottiers.p.154.
Chap. 15. Os Armory5 or Blazon os Arms .ip. 155.
Chap 16. Os Armory, or Blazon of Arms3 with
the Antiquity and dignity os Heralds, p. 154.
Chap.17. Os Exercife os Body. p.256.
Chap.18. of Reputation and carriage, p. 263,
Chap. 19. of Travell. p. 277.
Chap.20. Of Military obfervations. p.288.
Chap.2 1. OfEifhing. p. 299.
The Gentlemans Exercife^A TraU. of Painting