Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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Os [undry Blazons, both
Of German}) or the Empire.
Fran. Convzen, his Politique*, in fol.
The Colle&ions of Goldastus, with some others.

Ossundry Blazons, both Ancient,
HE beareth Azure, a Sal-
teir Or. This was the
Coat of the pious and de-
vout Ossa King of the Mer-
cians3 who Jived about the
year of Christ 793, and in
the three and thirtieth year
of his raigne , buiided the
goodly Monastery of S.'Al-
bans in Hertfordshire, upon
the way of Watlingstreet,to
entertain Pilgrims: the King
himsels laying the first stone
of the foundation thereof,
with these words; Ad Ho-
norem Dei Pattis, Film &
Sfiritus Sansti, & Martyr is
sui Albaiii terra wea Protomartyris. He ordained it a
Convent of an hundred Monks of the order ofS. Bene-
dict, elesting Willegod who was his Kinsman, to be the
first Abbot; he endowed it with goodly revenues, as
M Abb ^ere aPPearet^1, After he had begun this magnificent
v ^aibani work, within four or five years he died , and was bu-
ried in a little Chappell , hard without the Town of
Bedsord, upon the banck of the river of Ouse or Vse,
which by the river long since hath been eaten and worn
away.- Willegod