Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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Os Drawing) Limning., and Painting, 12$
among them that are much admired, and highly pri-
sed: not only for the excel lency of the work; but also
tor the history, and choice matter they contain: which
the learned make good useof, as appeareth by their
writings. You may see many of them, with some in-
terpretations, in Foi/s, deg. medailles: and GorUus9
in his Vattjlhtheca: Not to mention others.

Of Drawings Limning) and Painting: with
the lives os the samous Italian
Since Aristotlenumfereth Graphic e, generally taken,
for whatsocver is done with the Pen or Pencill (as
writing fair,Drawing,Limning and Painting (amongst
those his or generous Pra&ices of youth in
a well governed Common-wealth: I am bound also
to give it you in charge for your exereise at leasure,
it being a quality mod commendable, and so many
waies usesull to a Gentleman. For rtiould you (if ne-
cessity required ) be employed for your Countries ser-
vice in following the warre, you candescribeno plot,
manner ©f fortification, form of Battalia, situation of
Town, Castle, Fort, Haven, Illand, course of River,
passage thorow Wood, Marilh 5 over Rock, Moun-
tain, &c. ( which a disereet Generali doth not alwaies
commit t® the eye of another) without the help of
the same. In all Mathematicall Demonstrations, no- The manifold
thing is more required in our travail in forrain Regi- u^e °.f Minting
ons. It bringeth home with us from thafarthest part or Craning,
of the world in our bosoraes> whatsoever is rare and
worthy the observance, asthegenerallMappeosthe
Country, the Rivers, Harbours, Havens, Promonto-
ries, See. within the Landscap, of sair Hils, fruitful!
R. 3 Valleyes;