Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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13 Os the digni ty and necejsity osL earning?
Caparisens? and other such warlike implements? beside a
number os scarres upon my breasi : tkse are my Images?
my Nobility? not lest me by descent and inheritance? &c.
And as resolute of late yeares, was the answer of Ver-
dugo? a Spaniard? Commander in Friseland? to certain
of the Spamfh Nobility, who murmured at a great
feast > that the sonne of a Hang-man fhould take
place above them, ( for so he was, and his name im-
porteth : ) Gentlemen? (quoth he) qnejUon not my
birth ? or who my Father was j I am the sonne of mine
own J)esert and Fortune ; is any man dares as much as /
have done, let him come and tal\e the Tables end with all
my heart.

Os the dignity and necejsity of Learnings
in frinces and Nobility.
Since Learning then isanessentiall part of Nobility,
as unto which we are beholden, for whatsoeverde-
pends on the culture ©f the mind ; it followes, that
who is nobly born , and a Scholler withail, deserves
Si ad natnram double Honour, being both and 7ro\vfActQvs: for
extmiam erudt- hereby as by an Ensign of the fairest colours,he is a far
tieaccesserit, off diseerned,and wins to himself both love and admi-
tum demumsjn- ratjon . heightning with skill his Image to the lise,
ma,king k Preei°us> an.d t”P°st<:r>t>r-
(sic. pro Archia It was the reply or that learned lung or %/irragon to
facta, a Courtier of his, who affirmed, that Learning was
not requisite in Princes and Nobility, ^gesi e voce dy
wn Bue? nond'tm Huomo. For if a Prince be the Image
of God, governing and adorning all things ; and the
end of all government the observation of Lawesj that
thereby might appear the goodness of GodU in prote-
ding the good, and pnaiftiing the bad 5 that the peo-