Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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in their Childrens Education.
barbarous Gete'); and had Cratippr*sy To excellent a
Philosopfoer to his Reader at Athens : jet by the testi-
mony of P/i»j5heproved so notorious a drunkard, that
he would ordinarily drink off two gallons of Wine at
a timf,and became so debauched every way, that few
©f that age exceeded him. Sundry the like examples
might be produced in our times,but one of this nature
is too many. Others on the contrary, are ctvnJii£&H.rtiy
and have no other helps save God, and their own in-
dustryj we never read of any Matter F/rg// ever had.
S. Augufiine likewise saith of himself: Se didicijse Art*
stotelis Categorios) nemine tradente , That he learned
Aristotles Categcries3or Predicaments,no man inttrutt-
ing him ; which,how hard they be at the fir-st to wade
thorow without a guide,let the best wit of them all try.
And Be da our Country-man,(for his profound learn-
ing in all Sciences) firnamed Venerabilis-, attained to
the same within the limits of his Cell in Nortbumber-
landythough it is said he was once at Rome. Joseph Sca-
liger taught privately many years in a Noble-mans
house,and never made abode in any tlniversity, that
ever I heard of3 till called in his later years to Leyden
in Holland: and many admirable Schollers and famous
men, our Age can produce, who never came at any
Univerttty, except to view the Colledges, or visic _
their friends, that are inferiour to few Dolors os the
Chair, either for Learning or Judgement, if I may say
so, Pace matris Academia.

Of a Gentlemans carriagein the TJniversity.
HAving hitherto spoken os the dignity of learn-
ing in general, the duty and quality os the
Matter,of ready Method forunaerttandjng the Gram 7
mar, of the Parent, of the Child: I turn the head
F a os

Cicero Ojsic.l.u
Marc. Cicno.
Cum parer abJlL
netttiffirnus sue-
rati bints con-
ics baurueso-
litus e: ( ttjle
Plm io. ) Te/nu-
lentus impegit
Scypbum. M.
^%'ippa. Kaler.