Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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in "Princes and Nobility. 2 r
gigismund King of the Rowans^ and son to Charges Jacob, mmphe-
the fourth,Emperour, greatly complained attheCou-i- w&us.
cell of Conjlances of his Princes and Nob lity, where-
of there was no one that could answeran Embasiador,
who made a speech in Latine* whereat Lodmckjy the
Elestor Palatine, took such a deep disdain in himsclf,
that with teares ashamed, he much lamented hisVanc
of learning 5 and presently hereupon returning home,
began ( albeit he was very old ) to learn his Latine
tongue* Eberkard aiso, the first Duke of PFirtenberg, at
an asiembly of many Princes in Italy ( who discoursed
excellently in Latine, while he flood still and could say-
nothing J in a rage strook his Tutor or Governor
there present, sor not applying him to his Book when
he was young. 1 gladly alleadg these examples, as by
a publick Councell to condemn the opinion of Heresy,
believing to teach, and teaching to believe, the unne-
celsity of learning in Nobility* an errour a> prejudici-
al! to our Land, as sometime was that rotten Chest to
JEthiepia, whose corrupted aire vented, after many
hundreds of yeares, brought a plague not only upon
that Country, but over the whole world.
I cease to urge further, the necessity anddignity
©f learning, having (as 0ssavins said to Decius, a
Captain of Anthonies, ) to the understanding spokcn
sufficient: but to the ignorant too much, had I said Appiam

Os the time os Learnings Duty os A£t-
jlersy and what the sittefi Method
to be observed„
AS the sjpring is the only sitting seed time for
grain, letting and planting in Garden and Or-
D 3 chard?