Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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Observatiom in Survey of the Earth. €$
confirm the memory beyond any thing else: nor think
it any disgrace unto you,since in other Countries it is
the prattice os Princes, as I have (hewed heretofore ;
also many of our young Nobility in England exercise
the same with great felicitie,
I have seen French Cards to play withal, the four
Suites changed into Maps os severall Countries, os
the four parts os the world, and cxa&ly coloured: sor
their numbers,the figures i . 2. 3.—9. 10. and so forth,
set over the heads: for the Kings,Queens,and Knaves,
the Pourtraies os their Kings and Queens, in their se-
verall Countrey habits * for the Knave, their Peasants
or Slaves ; which ingenious device, cannot be but a
great furtherance to a young capacity, and some com-
fort to the infortunate Ganiester •• when,what he hath
lost in Money, he siiall have dealt him in Land or

Observations in Survey os the Earth.
First, how Almighty God by his Divine providence
so disposed the Earth in the first Creation ( not
falling out by chance, as some have thought) that
one Countrey, in one place or other, is so nearly joyn- countries had
ed to the next 5 that if, after, it might happen to not their scitu-
be over-peopled, as well man as bead, by some small 3"onsby
ftreight or passage might ealily be provided of a new chancc*
habitation: which Acosta. hath wellobserved, relolving
us that doubt, how wild beasts,as Wolvs,Foxes,Bears,
and other harmful beafts,stiouid swim over so vast Seas,
and breed in Issands.
SecondIy,how the wit,disposition,(yea,devotion)and The wit and
strength ofman,solloweth the quality and temperature tonstItutl°” of
of che Climate^ and many times the Nature ofthe soyle [Tttetemper6
where he lives: as we fee the Eaftern people of the ofthe body.
K world