Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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Os the Duty os Parents,
Auguflusfy sides, I am not ignorant, that even the greateft Prin-
Oftdviut Cajar. cegjwith the mod reverend Bishops,and mod profound
Schollers of the world, have not been astiamed of tea-
Aristotle. * ching ( by learned Treatises os that argument) the
^wwtHe^th Grammar: or that I inveigh, in the leas}, againstthe
ZrasmM' learned and worthy Mailers of our publick Schools,
siseph icaUger, many Qf whom may be ranked with the moil sufficient
Schollers of Europe* I inveigh again# the pitiful abuse
of our Nation by such, who by their ignorance and
negligence deceive the Church and Common-wealth
of serviceable members, Parents of their money, poor
children os their time,eileem in the world, and perhaps
means of living all their lives aster.

Os the Duties os Parents in their QhiU
drens Education«
N Either mu st all the blame lie upon the School-
master: fond and foolish Parents have oft as deep
a ihare in this precious spoil: as whose cockering and
apisti indulgence ( to the corrupting of the minds os
their Children,disabling their wits,effeminating their
snGorgia. bodies) how bitterly doth P/a to tax and abhor ? For
avoyding of which, the Law of Lycurgus commanded
children to be brought up,and to learn ;n the Country,
far from the delicacy of the City: and the Brutii in
Italy,* people bordering upon Luc aw a, sollowing the
cuslom of the Spartans, Cent their children after th«
age of fourteen away,to be brought up in Fields and
Ferrells among shepherds and Herdsmen:witho»t any
to look unto them,or to wait upon them: without ap-
parel,or bed to lie on, having nothing else than Milk
or water for their drink, and their meat such as they
could kill or catch. Hear the advice os Horace :
Ham.lib. 3. _ AngujUm amice pauperiempati
® Rehujtus sieri militia puer
‘It Condiscat,