Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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Rhetorick and
Musick, their

The Grange
essects and pro*
perries os Mu-
stcal proporti-

Os Antiquities.
Yea, in my opinion,no Rhetorick moreperswadetTi,
or hath greater power over the mind : nay, hath not
Musick her figures, the same with Rhetorick > What
is a R?vert> but her Antijlrophe ? her Reports, but
sweet Anaphora’s > her counterehange of points, An-
tmetabole’sl her pallionate Airs, but Frosopopza's*
with insinite other of the same nature.
How doth Musick amaze us,when of sound diseords,.
she maketh the sweeteft Harmony > And who can siiew
us the reason why two Basons, Bowls, Brasie-pots^or
the like,ofthe same bignetfe $ the one being full, the
other empty, ihall, siriken,be a jufi Diapason in sound
one to the other : or that there (hould be such sym-
pathy in sounds, that two Lutes of equall fize being
laid upon a Table, and tuned Unison, or alike in the
Gamma^G [ol re «r,or any other firing; the one striken,
the other untouched fliali answer it ?
But to conclude, if all Arts hold their esieem and
value according to their Efie&s; account this goodly
Science not among the number ofthose which Lucian
placeth without the gates of Hell, as vain and unprofi-
table : but os such which are sfs the Foun-
tains ©four life’s good and happinesse: sinee it is a
principal means of glorifying our merciful Creator ; it
heighthens our devotion; it gives delight and ease to
our travels ; it expelleth sadnesie and heavinesse of
spirit; preser veth people in concord and amity; allay-
eth fiercenesse and anger; And lastly, is the best Phy-
fiek for many raelancholly diseases.
Os Antiqui ties,
OUt of the Treasury and Storehouse of vene-
rable Antiquities, I have selested these three
sorts. Statues, Inscrsptimy and Coynes'? desiring you
♦ to