Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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Of Poetry; 79
ever was taughtjnor were there ever airy writers there-
of known,before Mus&WiHesiod&nd Homer: by whole
authority Pluto, Aristotle, and Galen, determine their
weightieit controversies, and confirm their reasons in
Philosophy. And what were the songs os Linus, Or-
pheus, Jmphion, Olympus, and that ditty lop as sang to
his harp at Dido's banquet, but Naturall and Morall
Philosophy, sweetned with the pleasanceof Numbers,
that Rudeness and Barbarism might the better taste
and digei! the Iessons os civility ? according to Lucre-
tius (Italianized by Artosto) and Englished by Si£
John Harrington :
Sed veluti fHerts absynthia tetra Medentes
Gum dare conantur, priks oraspocula cirenm
Gontingunt mellis dulci ssavoque liquore,
Vt puerornm atasimprovida ludisicetur, &c*
As Leaches, when for children they appoint
Their bitter worm-wood potions, firstthe cup
About the brimme with hony sweet they noynt.
That so the child, beguild may drink it up, 8cc,
Neither hath humane knowledge been the only
subjest of this Divine Art, but even the highest My-
sleries of Divinity. What are the Psalmsof David
( which S. Hilary so aptly compareth to a Bunch of H-tl inproj&l(l
Keyes, in regard of severall doors, whereby they psaimi
give the soul entrance , either to Prayer , Rejoy-
cing. Repentance, Thanksgiving, &c. ) but a Di-
vine Poem, going sometiine in one mcasure, sotnetime
in another ? What lively deseriptiens are there of the
Majesty os God, the estatse andsecurity of ■Gods'chiL Psalm.
dren, the miserable condition of the wicked? What PsaW$«,
lively Similitudes and Gomparisons, as the righte* Pkim. i.
ous man, to a Bay tree; the Soul, toathirsty Hart; Psalm, io4>
unity,to oyntment and the dew olHerwon ? What ex*