Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Instytut Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Hrsg.]; Zakład Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Hrsg.]
Porta Aurea: Rocznik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego — 12.2013

DOI Artikel:
Bielak, Jacek: Nieznana płyta nagrobna Paula Jaskiego (Jäschke) z kościoła Najświętszej Marii Panny w Gdańsku. Przyczynek do badań ikonografii płyt nagrobnych w nowożytnym Gdańsku
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Burmistrz rozstrzyga spór i nakazuje oskarżonym, którzy bez wiedzy
i zgody właścicieli go zabrali, przywrócenie w ciągu 14 dni kamienia na dawne,
to samo miejsce na ich koszt. Także poniesione przez oskarżycieli koszty
procesu powinny na mocy porozumienia stron (salva moderatione) być
im zwrócone.

Oskarżeni się odwołali, ale bezskutecznie. Ostateczne postanowienie
wydano 31 stycznia 1612 r.

Unknown tombstone Paul Jaske (Jdschke) ofSt. Mary's Church in Gdańsk.
Contribution to study the iconography of tombstone in modern Gdańsk
The paper monographically tackles a piece of sepulchral art which, anonymous
and fragmentary, used to be placed on the borderline between a work of art and a histori-
cal artefact, as the fragments of a stone slab preserved in St Maryś Church in Gdańsk were
associated with neither a definite function nor the name of its founder or owner. Inscrip-
tions missing any reference to people or dates had madę the stone an anonymous arte-
fact of modern funerary culture whose approximated historical value could be assessed
merely on the grounds of the typeface and the applied materiał. However, the choice of
the piece for the investigation does not resułt only from its anonymous character, but
from the importance of the analyzed slab for the process of regional transformations of
sepulchral art occurring on the threshold of the modern era.
Meanwhile, on the grounds of the discovered written source a hypothetical recon-
struction of the original form of the tombstone was proposed. While associating the
archival source with the tombstone, it was possible to identify its owner, Paul Jaschke.
Although the arrangement of the inscription and the coat of arms presented in detail
is partly hypothetical (this testifying to the limited capacity of written sources), it poses
a major ąuestion related to the research methods applied in the history of culture and art
in Gdańsk. Overall, the conclusion reads that when researching into Gdańsk sepulchral
art of the modern era, written sources are as essential as a deepened comparative study of
the iconography changes in relation to other forms of commemoration expression.
The article can thus be considered as a stand taken in the debate on a research
model which, having taken various attitudes into account, would contribute to new
interpretations in morę comprehensive studies of Gdańsks sepulchral art. On the
example of a single object it has been demonstrated what results in investigating
tombstones could be achieved by adopting a different perspective on the so-far
applied methodologies and dominating opinions in the literaturę on the subject. The
Author s preferred analysis type distances itself from both the absolutizing of the value
of written records and exclusive focus on iconographic research, calling instead for
a broader consideration of various functions and socio-cultural conditioning of the
creation of this type of works in modern-time Gdańsk.

Nieznana płyta
nagrobna Paula