Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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February 3, 1866.]




with me (a most energetic fellow, though now too much given to growling and roaring),
not scavenge from the streets, trucks carrying nothing that stopped the way more than——’

‘ Polisson /’ said Louis, poking me in the ribs with his forefinger: oddly enough, I feel it now.”

[! ” cried Mrs Judy.

“ I’ve dreamt,” said Mr. Punch, who was
by this lime (11 30 a.m., being an early riser),
in his flowered dressing-gown.

“ Dreamt that you dwelt in marble halls?”
inquired Mrs. Judy, yawning.

“ No, my dear,” returned her husband,
seriously, sipping his early chocolate, “ 1 dreamt
that I met somebody else, who had also dreamt
—in fact, 1 dreamt,” continued Mr. Punch,

meditatively, “ that he dreamt that-” Here

he paused, and extricated himself from the
meshes ofhis sentence.

Toby sat up for toast.

“What did you dream?” asked Madame,
becoming lazily interested.

“ Curiosity thy name is Julia ! ” said Mr.
Punch, playfully placing a morsel of rotie on
Toby’s nose.

Toby waited for the word “ three.”

Mr. Punch forgot all about him and his toast.

“I dreamt,” said Mr. Punch, more appa-
rently as a confidence between himself and the
fire-irons, than as addressing his fair spouse,
“that I was in Paris at the Tile-Kilns; the
Tuileries,” Mr. Punch explained, “having
been a place where hats, or tiles, were made,
and crowns fitted-”

“ Yes,” said Julia.

Mr. Punch was pleased with the interrup-
tion, and continued without noticing it, while
Toby sat on his hind legs, anxiously regarding
his master, but by him disregarded.

“ At the Tile-Kilns, talking to my dear cousin
Louis, who told me that he had had a dream.”
Here, in memory of his cousin, Mr. Punch
lighted a fragrant Havannah.

Toby winced, but the toast remained un-

“ Said Louis to me,” resumed Mr. Punch,
inspecting the lighted end of his cigar, “‘I
dreamt I was King of England. Odd, that! ’ ”
Mr. Punch studied the bars of the fire-place
for a second, and then went on. “ ‘ Yes,’ said
Louis to me, ‘ I dreamt that 1 had autocratic
metropolitan power for a short time in London.’

“ * What did your Majesty do ? ’ 1 asked.

“‘What! 1 found all your municipal au-
thorities talking, and I worked. I began,
Sir, by making a clean sweep of such places as
Holywell Street; and from Charing Cross to
the City there was one grand broad way.’ I
suggested,” said Mr. Punch, musingly, “that
St. Paul’s was a difficulty. ‘Bah!’ replied
the Emperor, ‘ I knocked Paternoster Row
down, and demolished the crannies, the old
houses, the nooks, and alleys, while the Dean
and Chapter were in bed. I took away the
railings that guard the Cathedral, and Sir
Christopher’s work seemed, with a new lease
of life, to rise majestically towards Heaven.
Then, Sir, aided by the Unicorn from the Royal
Arms, I tunnelled London, diverting the heavy
traffic of vans and waggons from the public
thoroughfares. Then, Sir, the Lion co-operating
lashed with his tail the scavengers who did
‘ Lady So-and-So’s carriage,’ I suggested.

Toby winked: he had no more moved than the unhappy Pompeian sentinel on duty. “ The Emperor said,” Mr. Punch, continued
“ ‘ 1 forbade engines to scream in or within five miles of the Metropolis, and I took away all their powers of building bridges over the

streets until they had invented some way of running trains on them without any noise.’

Or,’ I observed, said Mr. Punch to himself, ‘until the horses should get accustomed to them.’ ‘ That’s Irish,’ said Louis. I explained
that I was not for an age or a place, but for any age and every country. ‘ Je vous crois, mon enfant,’ said the Emperor, quoting Paul of the
Adelphi. I made in one hour, a clear way from the National Gallery to Westminster Abbey; I turned on the water in the Trafalgar Square
iountains; I turned off the pepper-castors from the gallery ; I, with my own hands, placed the four lions at the base of Nelson’s Column.’ He
looked grave at the mention of this hero, but went on quickly, ‘and I beheaded or shot all builders who would not build good substantial
houses; I swept with one prodigious mortar all organs, German bands, and wandering minstrels from the streets ; I gave Punch his safe
corners for exhibition out of compliment to—’ ‘Don’t mention it,’ I said. We shook hands. ‘I tied up all who would not tie up or
muzzle their dogs; I reorganised all workhouses and prisons, and ordered that all owners and drivers of water-carts should be flogged once a-day
until they came out when they were wanted ; I trebled the number of police, and told them that Louis expected every man to do his duty; I
visited prisons for debt, sponging-houses, and found that poor debtors, in for small sums, were obliged to pay eighteen shillings for a dinner,
two guineas for a private room, and were at the mercy of their gaolers. These gaolers of sponging-houses. Sir, I whipped and dismissed, and
ordered one moderate tariff to be observed; and I discriminated between the honest, but unfortunate man, and the miscalculating
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