Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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June 30, 1866.]



A.B.C. Guide (The), 161

Abergeldie, 223
Academy Dinner (The), 229
Accommodation for Ireland, 61
Additional Instruction (An), 148
Advice to Austria, 209
Affair of Folly (An), 195
Age of Lignum Vitee (The), 225
Airing a Jewel, 115
Alexandra Pattern (The), 255
Ambiguous Work, 72
Among the Artists, 107
Annotation, 175

Another Drop from the Drama, 117
“ Another Way," 204
Answers to the Second Column, 31
“Anything” or “Nothing,” 249
Art News, 15
Ass at an Organ (An), 127
Associates’ Supper (The), 246
At the Louncil Fire, 210
At the National Portrait Exhibition, 241
Audi Alteram Partem, 95
Austria and,Prussia. 170
Austrian Court Card (An), 74
Authority on Art (An), 67
Lad N ote from the Crystal Palace (A), 116
Bait for the Iron Horse, 220
Pallet of the Platform (The), 83
Baptist in Convocation (A), 72
Bathe or Two at Biarritz (A), 256
Beer v. Bosh, 72
Belles and Blossoms, 238
Belligerents of an Irish Sort, 149
Benefit of the Budget (The), 202
Bill of Fare a la Bismarck, 194
Birmingham Bird (A), 149
Bishop ol London’s Chaunt (The), 99
Blsmarck-Woil, 175
Blackguard’s Butter, 181
Boat Race (The), 14s
Bockum Dollfs Bonneted, 93
Bold Governor Eyre and the Bulls of
Exeter Hall (The), 62
Bore for the Home Office (A), 82
Bos Locutus Est, 87
Boys of Paesamaquoddy (The), 198
Brilliants for the Ball Boom, 271
Britannia to Lord Bussell, ls8
Bumble's Counterblast against Centrali
sation, 46

Burglars and Blackguards, 41
Burlesque Dancing in Parliament, 181
“ Byles on Bills" of Mortality, 149
Canterbury Brawn, 44
Canvassing South Kensington, 257
Card (A), 65

Caterpillars and Clowns, 260
Caution to Critics (A), 44
Cave oi Trophouius (The), 219
Chace (The), 14, 25, 34
Charnei obzou, 16
Chai eery Lane Dialogue, 246
Change of Name, 271
“ Clean your Boots, Sir?” 227
Cocker m the Commons, 251
Comic Court Costume, 66
Coming Boat Race (The), 119
Comiug of Age, 184

Companions of the Bath, 33 |

Competition in the Temple, 52
Compliments of the Season (The), 26
Contentment 260

Contrasts to the King of Prussia, 247
Conundrum (A), 247
Conundrum for Chemists (A), 236
Cookery and Cruelty, 13
Correction of the Press (A), 126
Correlative Thoughts, 24
Costs of a bad Actiou (The), 213
Counsels of Clarendon (The), 25
County Crop for Chignons (The), 3
Court News of the Future, 112
Cricket, 223

Crow and the Bar (The), 198
Crystal Fairies and the Cockney Fiends
(The), 191

Curiosities from the Clouds, 116

Dangerous Companion (A), 162

De Asinis nil nisi Bonam, 39

De Dye in Dyem, 246

Deep Sea Fisheries, 24

Deuced good Reason (A), 257

Disraeli and Duty ! 87

Dives’s Christmas Carol, 15

Domestic Medicine, 237

Don’t Nail his Ear to the Pump, 134

Dose for a Doctor (A), 44

Down to the Derby, 206

Dramatic, 179

Dreams of the Two Emperors, 43
Eagles in Congress (The), 245
Ecclesiastical Intelligence, 88
Ecclesiastical Omnibus, 71
Elec ion Committees, 150
Elegantly Furnished Mansions to be
Given Away, 10
Enforce Responsibility, 40
England’s Distress is Wales's Opportu-
nity, 181

Entomological Journalism, 119
Escape of Stephens, 130
“ Esto Perpecua," 248
Ethnology and Hagiology, 71
Euclid for the Green Room, 21
Evenings from Home, 115, 172, 194
Examination Papers, 161
Exeter Hall opite, 42
Expensive Brutality of a Railway Com-
pany, 34
Eye-Arc, 157

Farewell to Crinoline, 67

Fashionable On Dit, 224

Fast and Humiliation, 142

Fast to Bring down Butcher's Meat, 40

“ Father Whalley,” 242

Feminine Old Jury (A), 158

Fenian Centre (The), 61

Fenian’s Refuge in France (The), 176

Fetich Avenged (A), 74

Few more Correlative Thoughts (A), 45

Figure and Face, 144

Fme Anti-Climax (A), 191

Fitz-Dando’s Lament, 2

Fix of the Forty (The), 51

Flunkeyism in the Nursery, 50

“ Follow my Leader,” 165

Found, 257

French Canards and English Geese, 60

Fresh Air ! 214

Friends’ Meeting (A), 180

Frightful Impertinence, 7S

Frolics and Fashions, 226

Frolics of the Fenians, 148

From a London Correspondent, 227

Funniversity Intelligence, 173

FuuDy Tale of a Beak (A), 176

Gas Plant at Victoria Park (A), 25S

Genuine Successes, 31

German Dietary Intelligence, 214

Getting up his A B.C., 06

Giani s in Council, 140

Gigantic Scottish Joke, 137

Going Down to the House, 56

Good Joke (A), 81

Good News, 62

Good Style of Public School, 67
Goody Two-Shoes to the Gossips, 112
Goose and Snake, 133
Gorgonism in Paris, 157
Grammar on the Waters, 21
Grand Idea (A), 188
Grass Cut, 268

Great Attraction at Thorpe Henley, 201
Great Literary Sale, 75
Great Irish Fact (a), 13
Great Meeting in support of Her Majesty,

Great Panic in the City (The), 219
Great Virtue in an “ If,” 33
Groans from North London, 141
Gross Case of Clemency at Windsor, 121
Guardian and Blackguardian, 252
Guard us from our Guardians, 139
Hair and many Friends (The), 21
Hairess and the Hairless (The), 235
Hair's Breadth Escape (A) 61
Hair-Traps, 105
Happy Accident (A), 201
Happy Thoughts, 265
Hapsburg and Humility, 153
Hardbake and Hymn-Book, 111
Hard upon us, 112
“ Here you are, Sir ? ” 147
Hints for Derby Talkers, 215
Hints to Visitors to the National Portrait
Exhibition, 272

Homage to the New President, 205
Homer Re-Translated, 197
Homoeopathy in Cattle and Christians, 20
Honesty ami Policy, 252
Honour to a Mayor, 126
Horse and the Frog (The), 159
House and the Home (The), 192
House-Breaking and Bank-Breaking, 267
How Biber went down to the Regions
Below, 40

How to Get Good Servants, 84
How to Get into Society, 247
How to Serve our Street-Boys, 225
How we Kill our Paupers, 160
Hydrophobia and Half-a-Crown, 235
Imaginary Despatch (An), 272
Imaginary Intelligence, 2u
Indignation Meeting of Guardians, 41
Inevitable Sequence (An), 84
Inferior Article (An), 11

Kilkenny Cats (The), 4

Kindred and Affinity, 127

King Honestman’s Best Policy, 225

King’s Revenge (The), 232

Knuckle Down? We hope not, 11

Ladies’ Pigtails in a Lump, 118

Laoy Head-Centre (A), 133

Lambeth Catch (The), 42

Latest from tbe Tuileries, 201

Launching by “ Levitation,” 170

Law and Police, 117

Law for Debtors, 251

Lay of Modern England, 125

Lays of Lambeth, 66

Legal, 187

Legal Elevation—Singular Case, 23
Legend of Camelot (A), 94, 97, 109, <fcc.
Letter from a Bath Brick, S4
Letter from a Cabman, 157
Letter from an Old Acquaintance, 223
Library of Fiction, 77
Lift for the Life-Boats (A), 92
Light from Llangollen, 67
Likely Joke (A), 173

Lines by aCamhridge Ancient Mariner, 85
Lines by a Policeman, 11
Lines by a Trooper Ordered on Foreign
Service, 30

Literary Reviews, 183

Little Bill and Big Bill, 133

Little Plays and Large Posters, 40

Longs ana Shorts, 201

Lora Mayor and his Labours (The), 193

Lord Rector, 154

Lords Higu Menial, 46

Lost Liquor (I he), 50

“ Love’s Martyr” at the Olympic, 201

Loyalty, 44

Market for High Art (A), 23
Marylebone Lion and the Scottish Uni-
com (The), 16
Mathematical, 248
Matrimony on Moderate Terms, 259
May Day in Country and Town, 192
Medical Wife (A), 12
Memorandum lor the Stable Mind, 238
Merry Host (A), 81
Mexican Duet (Tne), 52
Mild Answers to Mendicants, 228
Military aud Naval Intelligence, 5
Miracles of Maehineiy (The), 14
Mitre Earned by a Magistrate (A), 149
Mittimus Extraordinary, 144
Model Merchant ,A), 171
Model Union Workhouse (The), 259
Momentous Question (The), 10
More Valuable Statistics, 230
Morning Call Nuisauce (The), 197
Most Musical, Most Melancholy, 176, 236
Most Wonderful Trick of All (The), 67
Mr. Crusty on the Cost of Feminine Cos-
tume, 95

Mr. Peabody’s Gift, 83

Mrs. Grundy on Foreign Affairs, 239

Mrs. Sawpit's Political Sentiments, 50

Music for Miscreants, 140

Musketry Drill, 238

National Debt of Honour (A), 129

National Portrait Exhibition, 169, 187



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1866
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1861 - 1871
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 50.1866, Index, S. 275