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[January 23, 1875.

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Young Lady {who has missed “ The Meet"). “Do you know where the Hounds are, Robins?”
Old Keeper {compassionately). “Y’are just too late. Miss,—the Gentlemen be all gone !”



I AW.—WANTED by a CLERK with (twenty years’ experience), a
-J permanent SITUATION. Advertiser is acquainted with Conveyancing,
Accounts, Book-keeping, and the General Routine of a solicitor’s office; also
competent to conduct magisterial business in the occasional absence of the
principal. Aged ninety-three, married; salary moderate,”—Law Times.

This venerable gentleman must have discovered the Elixir of
Life, and in the most unlikely place for it—an attorney’s office!
At ninety-three he still seeks a permane7it situation! He ought,
certainly, to he an authority on “ long leases ” and “ life interests.”
But of all the undesirable “tenancies for life,” we should have
imagined a managing clerk’s stool in an attorney’s office about the
most untempting. The application is all the stranger as the
applicant’s experience of similar situations only extends over
twenty of his ninety-three years, so that he must have been sixty-
three when he began office-work. Perhaps his sense of right and
wrong was already too strong to be shaken, or his sensibilities were
so blunted by age that he did not feel any conscience-prick from the
work he must have had to do.


The Pall Mall Gazette informs us that a Form of Prayer is to be
read out on the launching of Men of War and a Service specially
compiieafor the purpose by His Grace the Archbishop op Canter-
Wt We understand that Woolwich Infants are in future to be
christened, torpedoes to be sprinkled with holy water, gunpowder
to be blessed by the ton, and shells by lots of fifty.


{To he read Sardou-nically.)

Quelle bonheur pour la race humaine—
A Paris on supprime La Haine;

Saturday, January 16.

To Mr. Punch,

Sir,—What do I read in the Spanish correspondence of this
morning’s Times ?

“ With all possible allowance for the flattery which, like Providence, doth
‘ hedge a King,’ so long as he is fortunate, there seems to be good evidence in
all the sayings and doings of Alfonso the Twelfth, as reported hitherto,
to induce one to believe either that he is led by very wise instincts, or that
he is most prudently advised.”

“ Prudently advised ” is it ? Bedad, I believe you !

Look at this, a few sentences farther on—

“The Prince’s Manifesto on his birthday, the happy words spoken by him,
or at least attributed to him, in his intercourse with his friends and with
strangers, and even the letter of thanks addressed to the President of the
Ministry of Regency himself, come before the public under the inspiration of
Canovas del Castillo and of those whom this wary counsellor had placed
by the Prince's side, among whom we hear of one Murphy, who has been
Don Alfonso’s tutor, and who, in the quality of the young King's gentil-
homme de chambre, is his constant attendant.”

There you have it!

Murphy ’s the man !

Hurroo for Ould Ireland!


Bryan O’Lynn.

A Fact for Darwin.

“ A pact for Darwin ! ”—where, pray, can one see
Of Man’s Development a proof completer ?—

By his Infallibility Decree
Peter’s Successor has out-Peter’d Petre.

The Sun and the Astronomer-Royal.—Light and Airy.
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