Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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“ a Berlin ! ” 247
Academicians and Outsiders, 278
Address to an Atom, 21
Advantageous Opening, 58
Advice for the New Year, 18
Advice to Those about to hear Salvini, 195
After-Dinner Speeches, 88
All at Sea ! 86
Alliterative M.P.’s, 267
All the Fun of the Fair, 161
Anathema Esto ! 32
Ancient Clerk (An), 42
Another Exhibition of Old Masters, 63
Answer to a Parliamentary Correspon-
dent, 118

Anti-Procrustes, 49

Apollinaris Water in Chancery, 256

Apt Anniversary (An), 14

‘' Are you a Mason ? ” 183

Ashantee War Medal, 77

“ Astonishing the Native,” 261

Astronomy and the City, 71

Athletic Sports for Ladies, 181

At the Academy—A Picture Puzzle, 222

At the Prince ot Wales’s, 186

“ Awful ” Taste in 1875 ! 284

Bacchus and Ceres, 14

Bankrupt Adage (A), 14

Battle of the Steeds, 195

Bazaar Rules, 159

Beardless Boy (The), 247

Beaks and Bishops, 165

Behind the Grille, 194

Ben Trovato, 194

Bettering the Instruction, 25

Better Late than Never, 1

Between Ourselves, 105

“Between the Acts,” 26

Biggar, M.P., 201

Birds’ Nests and Baby Farms, 248

Birds of a Feather, 52, 129

Bismarck Beatified, 257

Bits and Bearing-Reins, 283

Bohn's Catalogue in Black and White, 139

Boor at Burlington House (A), 207

“ Bow of Ulysses ” (The), 58

Brilliant Reception (A), 262

Biitish Boot (The), 50

Brittle! 110

Broad Brims and Broad Grins, 13

Brothers in Blue, 127

Bumper at Parting (A), 34

Cabman’s Shelter (The), 77

Captain Boyton Outdone, 179

Call to Clericals (A), 44

Canzonet for Christmas Time (A), 8

Cardinal’s Canterbury Pilgrims (The), 176

Cardinal Points, <fec., 140

Case for Cod-Liver Oil, 214

Catechism on Copyright (A), 162

Chance for a Composer, 151

Change of Title, 106

Chantrey’s Best Monument, 24

Charges at the Academy, 218

Charles Kingsley, 55

Charles Lamb’s Centenary, 75

Chaunt of the Crocodile (The), 61

Cheerfulness under Difficulties, 73
Chemical Crackjaw, 251
Christmas Number a la Mode (A), 1
Christmas Clog (The), 9
Christmas Waits, 9

“ City Terms ” and Military Manners, 137
Class of Fractures (A), 265
Clerical Representation, 165
Clothing the Naked, 195
Cock-fighting and Cruelty, 280
Collar’d Head. 14

Colour-Sergeant’s Complaint (The), 54
Combustible Materials, 73
“Come up, Neddy ! ” 266
Comfort for Liberal Commons, 45
Comicalities of Cannon Row (The), 162
Coming Hat (The), 149
Coming out in the East, 79
Coming Race (The), 121
Commemoration, 251
Commemoration Week, 207
Conservative Caveat (A), 151
Contented Persons, 273
Contributions to the Philadelphia Ex-
hibition, 117

Conversion and Cant, 214
Cook's Earthly Paradise, 97
Cornish-Man it. Bishop, 122
Coronach, 3 i

Couple of Birthdays (A), 19
Dead-Linguist’s Reason for Cremation
(A), 171

De Mortuis Nil Nisi Malum, 181
Derby-Day Discipline, 223
Derby Drags, 227
Derby Dreams for 1875, 236
Derby of 1876 (The), 240
Directors’ Qualifications, 93
Discontented Persons, 252
Disestablished Encaenia (The), 124
Dog-Day, 236
Donkey Show (The), 202
Dramatic Contrast (A), 7
Duffer, Dictator, 214
Earthly Para ise (An), 201
Ecclesiastical Free-Fight (The), 41
Education of the Upper Classes (The), 277
Elm v. Willow, 51
Enemy at Caes r’s Camp (The), 194
Entertainments on the First of April, 151
Epsom Chronology, 228
Equestrian Members, 195
Essence of Parliament, 66,76, 87, &c.
Examination Paper for Students on
Botany, 83

Excelsior Climbing Boy (The), 272
Exceptional May (An), 236
Excerpta Vaticana, 21
Exchange no Robbery, 133
Expectant Medicine, 240
Explanation (An), 139
Fact for Darwin (A), 42
Faith and Physic, 267
Family Budget (The), 180
Fauatics v. Fishes, 212
Fashions and Forks, 112
Fight for the New Forest, 223

Final Cause (A), 95

First Pinch (The), 35

Fist, Knife, and Boots, 165

Follow my Leader, 46

Fond of his Paper, 117

For Coley, of Cowley, 73

For February Fourteenth, 68

Found at Epsom, 237

Free Trade in the Franchise, 257

Galileo Gallilei, 171

“ Gay Wisdom,” 80

Gin! 141

Good City Giants (The), 265
Good News for the Boys, 268
Good Word for a Good Cause (A), 4#
Gorillas and Ghouls, 31
Government and the Civil Service (The),

Grand Finale, 207
Greater than Darwin (A), 71
Groan of the Oxford Oarsman (The), 117
Growl from the Zoo, 53
Guinea-pigs, 107
Guns out of Gear, 240
G. W. R. v. M. R., 80
Hardly any Difference, 8
Hardly Credible, 96
Hard Work for French Adapters, 130
“ Here feel we but the penalty of Adam,”

Hero, if not Leander, 175

“ He too was born in Arcadia,” 212

High and Dry, 161

Hints for Heralds, 144

Hints for Mr. Gladstone, &c., 64

Hints on Horseflesh, 159

Holy Calm (A). 78

“ Holy Rose of Honduras ” (The), 155

Home-Rule at Large, 140

Home-Ruler’s Howl (A), 11S

Hope for All Fools (A), 74

House for Whalley (A), 260

How to Import Cattle, 191

Hugo and Homer, 274

Imbecile per Imbecilius, 256

Imitations at St. Alban's, 273

Increase of the Episcopate, 143

Inevitable, 180

Infallibility on Strike, 21

In Good Company, 33

In Strict Confidence, 196

In the Name of the Prophet-Tips, 234

In the Press, 196

Irish National School Lesson (An), 129

Irish Tranquillity, 224

Jewell’s Apology, 172

Julian Era (The), 171

“ Just as the Twig is bent,” <fec., 266

“Just Next Door,” 18

Keeping his Word, 139

Killing no Murder, 43

Knaves of Spades, 95

Knightley View of Reporting (A), 258

Ladies’ Colleges—Take Notice, 88

Ladies of the Long Robe, 172

Ladies’ University (The), 123

Lambeth Christmas Pudding, 10

Land of Liberty (The), 202

“Larded all with sweet Flowers,” 4c., 63

Last Day of Hunting, 160

Last Song of a Savage (The), 36

Late Light of the Bar (The), 97

Latest Odds (The), 224

Law and Leather, 111

Leading and Misleading, 53

Leander Outdone, 123

Learning for Lubbers, 277

Legal, 252

Lesson in Punctuation Wanted (A), 105

“ Let it Freeze,” 14

Leyden v. Schiedam, 116

Liberal Leadership (The), 61

Liddon’s Mycology, 36

Lift for Everybody (A), 206

Likings and Dislikes, 107

Lines written at the “Cock,” Fleet St.,


Literary Caution, 86

London's Modest Requirements, 108

Longevity of Ladies, 108

Long Price (A), 144

Lord Hertford’s Ukase, 10

Loss and Gain, 194

Love’s Sadness, 143

Magna est Veritas, 239

Man at the Helm (The), 42

Man with Oliver Cromwell’s Head (The),


Marquis Bo-Peep and the Liberal Sheep,


Martyrs and Martyrs, 288

Mason who Builds Well (A), 100

Matter for Consideration, 111

Matters and Accidents, 39

May Meetings, 207

Mayor’s Nest (A), 284

Mem. for Miners, 130

Memo., 42

Men Wanted, 35

Merry Month of May, 195

Midsummer Madness, 280

Missionaries in Motley, 123

Modem Polyphemus (A), 106

Moral Song of the Season, 251

More Coaching Clubs, 255

Mors Utrjnque, 130

Mr. Punch on exact Science, 64

Mrs. Gamp's Expostulation, 90

Mrs. Gingham on the New Dyes, 273

Mrs. Gingham on Toughened Glass, 268

Mr. Squaretoe’s Sacrifice, 154

Musical Revivalism, 180

Music of the Future (The), 287

Naiads’ Appeal (The), 266

Needledom v. Noodledom, 282

Ned Haulyard, 49

New Complaint (A), 95

New Fashion (The), 18

New-Fashioned Ghosts, 8

New Forest (The), 132

New Forest Exhibition (The), 235

New Monsters at Rome, 137

New Novel, 143

J New Version of an Old Pioverb, 44

VOL. 68.




Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Keene, Charles
um 1875
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1870 - 1880
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 68.1875, Index, S. 289