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[June 26, 1875.


poison, and a
zymotic one, so
thinks Lobd
and calls atten-
tion in the
Lords (Mon-
day, June 14),
not without
sadly sufficient
reason, to its
spread through
the contagion
of out-door re-

Everybody is
of one mind on
the subject.
But there is no
Hercules — in
Imperial Par-
liament or
Local Board of

Guardians—to take the Pauper-Bull by
the horns. It is difficult for a kind-
hearted man—whether legislator or local
administrator—to harden his heart to
say “ No ” to the demand for out-door
relief, often so piteous.

When will England have pluck to
shake off the meshes of Gwydyr House
red-tape, and to venture on the prin-
ciple of “ Prevention better than cure,”
by which the late Sin Baldwin Leigh-
ton raised one of the most pauperise!
parishes of England into a model ol
parochial government — helping, in the way of out-dooi
relief, those, and only those, who, though driven to the
parish by temporary pinch or pressure, were yet able and
willing to help themselves, and showing absolute destitu-
tion, sternly, to the Workhouse ? At present we are making
paupers in the process of relieving them.

-■ -« . <~i T _

claws^nthn:way of^enaUie announces though he cannot this year alter the absurd law as to Sunday amusements, he will pare its

tlonnyhrook-fair “ skrimmage ” over the Judicature Bill. Every Lawyer seems to have his own view of what
may well fear to treadU ^ ^one 111 ^ic way of a Court or Courts of Appeal. The battle-field to which Lawyers so rush in, Laymen

ashamed to say he shirks the subject, and advises his non-legal friends to do likewise, and leave the Lawyers tc>

In rnmmit(!, : ’n7r0ra/’ este Hence' avaunt—’tis (un) holy ground! ”

Taytoh ences against the Person Bill, Petek Taylok made a determined attempt not to hell, hut to burke, the Cat.

as nine tails n a na^ura^ *eud. H°w should ninth part of a man not hate nine-tailed beast ? But the Cat has nine lives, as well

Cat is ponrl’ ao-ainst- n C+ause ma„J a^ the Tayloks that ever set goose in array against him. Every argument urged by Taylok against
tnrv ? Tn thn LpU ?rrnf °| Pujushment whatever. What punishment is not degrading, unequal, and, in some sense, retalia-
ment is direciW ? . rUea the warming of whose backs alone the new Bill will sharpen the Cat’s claws, that the punish-

inllicted ' Thfir Par, 1S °^e l^s host recommendations. We want to make such ruffians feel something of the pain they have

Bhil’s common si? 0° L® through their hides ; and these are so thick, that it needs a sharp scourge to score them. John

ULJj 15 common sen8e stands firm for Cat against Taylok.

Chester eSfTGs^e°4wl,<^^Jt^iI)n^EAtrC?Q^:PA^I011?^1^ the Bill tor carYing a new Bishopric of St. Alban’s out of Rochester and Win-

in the Commons? ^ Giace of St. Alban s will not sit in the Lords. Is this because the Saint’s representative was disfranchised

O^Food^nd^ii^TH?!6^!^8 Schools Bill._ Nobody wept that we have heard of.
articles till von can v°E? ^o:a:L®T tried—m vain—to strike out the “knowingly,” which protects the seller of adulterated

the Duke oe Rirmrovn lit pS U"avsdec^e °t the adulteration, which in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred is hopeless. Perhaps
Against all other ad nH-pmDfJi a consumer only needs legal protection against the adulteration which is done “knowingly.”
(Comma? T S J t kaowja7!y >ana&ed-faWa* emptor-let the buyer protect himself,

of it is good and likely in nd Transfer lull. Half a loaf is better than no bread. The measure is not much ; hut what little there is

Bill. The House got into Committee— hut no^f^th^ ATT0RNEY~&ENERAL against Mr. Osborne Morgan’s Motion to kick out the

blishment of a nermaTiPni'4-s^k,lms Board on their defence, for obstinacy and pig-headedness in persisting in the esta-
Board, and Mr. Torrens aoaise in a London lung. After a good deal of hot talk, in which Mr. Forsyth attacked the Asylums

defended the Board Mr Rpt tt™ tL3-^3,0^ turther to tke Principle of large permanent hospitals generally, while Mr. J. G. Talbot
the Asylums Board was the mn«t A, <?1TFr> ^or Government, proceeded to pour oil upon the troubled waters all round. He believed that
overhaul any exercise of tW or cell^it, nseful, and hardworking of public Boards ; that it was a very had precedent for the House to
injured by the proposedZniMTn JoarA® discretion;. that the visitors and residents of Hampstead Heath would he no more
there was to he anv erection <5 n aan Llsltors to Kensington Gardens; and, finally, that it was quite a delusion to suppose that
muchaUttle sooSll bS-»11Ho?pital at aU- [This is news, Mr. Sclater-Booth. What a pity we were not told as
Committee, if the House viAied ;n An tt6 contrary notwithstanding—the Government had no desire to oppose the appointment of a
Then the Susceptible Doctor Jie -"douse'■did wish it, very decidedly, and the Motion for a Committee was agreed to.

Counted Out—in spite of a o-niinTit t0 kr'ng iQ a Bill for Establishing Triennial Parliaments, and the House was

Weclnesd _YV ,S, . attempt of the 0 Gorman to represent the whole Seventeen wanting to bring the House up to Forty,

s ay. A cheerful afternoon with Sir Wilfrid the Wilful and the Witty. The old hobby, “Permissive Bill,” trotted out—
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