Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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“Redeltnt Satuenia Regna.”


The passion for cock-fighting, suppressed, during a long time by
statute, has lately been breaking out over the country in several
laces. From day to day our contemporaries record “ raids” made
y the ■vigilant Police on the cruel cock-fighters. The. Times
reports that, on Tuesday last week, before the Nottingham
Magistrates, appeared Joseph Pabkeb, and John AValkee, pub-
licans ; Joseph Allen and James Bbadeobd, colliers; Cobnelius
Chssens, hawker; and Joseph Pice skill, lacemaker, who, present
at a cock-fight going on in a brewery, were pounced upon and
collared by the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. “ Six
birds and the usual requisites were found on the floor, which was
covered with blood.” These gentlemen thus appear to have been
taken literally red-handed. All of them, except Mb. Walkeb,
against whom the case was dismissed, were fined five pounds each,
and Mb. _ Pabkeb paid the money. For this generosity a public
subscription will hardly he got up to reimburse Mb. Walkeb.
Cocks, to be sure, are voluntary combatants, and do not, perhaps, in
fighting, hurt each other much more than poultry are hurt when
killed, as perhaps they sometimes are, for the table of a Member of
an excellent Society. Still, the spectacle of their sanguinary
encounters is not calculated to stimulate the higher feelings, of
which at least the rudiments may be supposed to exist in the natures
of such persons as publicans, colliers, hawkers, and lacemakers.
It does, on the contrary, excite the propensities shared by them
with the lower and fiercer brutes, yet who knows but that it may,
nevertheless, at the same time satiate passions which might else find
vent in violent assaults ? And besides it tempts the bystanders to
gamble; which is evidently had for persons in an inferior station of
life, however harmless betting may be for their betters.

The hope may therefore perhaps be cherished that the Legislature,
at the instance of Animals’ Friends, will not argue from cock-
fighting to pigeon-shooting, and enact any penal law to put down
that. How shocking it would he to hear, that the Officers of the
Royal Society, or the Police, had some fine morning made a “ raid ”
upon the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the Gun Club at Hurlingham
Park, and collared them, and not only them, but also the gentle
ladies assembled to look on and admire them exhibiting their skill
a.nd sportsmanship in the pastime of shooting tame pigeons ! Cock-
fighters are one class of people ; pigeon-shooters another.

It is a comfort to find that the cock-fighters have one friend in
a high place still left, a gallant officer, well-known on the turf, as
the best of handicappers. Admieal Rous has lately, through the
Times, asked, in words evidently warm from the heart, “ Can

anything beat cock-fighing?” When Rons utters his “Bravo!”
to those who arm and match red-piles and gingerbread hackles,
Punch can only say, “ Bravo, Rons ! ”


To think that your Wife will stay in Town after the close of the
Opera season.

Tc think that you will he allowed to leave your family at Rams-
gate while you go on a tour (of inspection, of course—merely to see
if the places are likely to please your Wife) through Paris, up the
Rhine, and into Switzerland.

To think that you will save anything by letting your house,
during your absence from Town, to a “foreign family of distinction.”

To think that your Wife and family will be contented to travel
with less than eighteen large trunks and twenty-four good-sized

To think that your Wife will be satisfied with the situation of
your lodgings at the sea-side.

To think that you will not be daily bothered with the complaints
of your Wife about the extortion and robberies of the sea-side land-

To think that you will never be ordered to “ speak to the insolent

To think that you will have any of your meals at the hours you
have been accustomed to.

To think that you will be able to enjoy a lounge on the sands free
from the persecutions of “niggers,” dealers in cheap jewellery, and
guinea-pig boys.

To think that in your sea-side sanctum, in fine weather, you will
he able to work without having to listen to the music (?) of barrel-
organs and German hands.

To think, with “the dear children” in the house, you will have
quiet in the aforesaid sea-side sanctum on a regularly wet day.

To think that while you are away you will not be hunted down
by the writers of circulars, begging letters, and “little accounts.”

To think that you will be allowed to leave your sea-side lodgings
without a great deal of unpleasant discussion about alleged break-

And lastly, the worst case of Midsummer Madness, to think that
when the holidays are over you will he sorry to return to Town.


“The Bishop of London has appointed the Rev. William Thomas
Bullock to the prebendal stall of Oxgate in St. Paul’s Cathedral.”—Daily
Telegraph, June 16.

Desebvedly has Bullock won
His Bishop’s admiration:

Morn, noon, and night he carried on
His Gospel-Propagation.

And now his horn’s exalted high
O’er his yoke-fellows all:

“ Right Bullock in right place,” say I:

That sits in Orgate Stall!

The Education Act.

Oue good friend, Mbs. Malapbop, who is a stanch Protestant,
has heard some talk about the compulsory teaching of the masses.
She can only say she trembles for the safety of the Church, if any-
thing so Popish as the masses should he taught in it.

A Trifle from Brighton.

They ’ye shut up) our Aquarium
Each seventh day. ’Tis queer
That men who are so Puritan
Should be so Cavalier !

a eemabkable peculiabity.

Hebb Wagneb is distinguished by a peculiarity for which great
musicians are not remarkable. The illustrious composer of Lohen-
grin does not give himself airs.


On what Stage in the Grand Hotel does Me. Moody lodge when
he visits Paris ?

Naturally, au Cinquieme.
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