Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Rocznik Historii Sztuki — 34.2009

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Omilanowska-Kiljańczyk, Małgorzata: Edouard André i jego realizacje ogrodowe w Polsce i na Litwie
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dów dowodzą nieprawdopodobnie wszechstronnej wiedzy i umiejętności. André uczył, popularyzował, pisał,
podróżował i kolekcjonował, prowadził własne badania naukowe nad bromeliami, planował tereny wystaw
światowych, zakładał rozmaite parki, opierając się na ogromnej wiedzy z zakresu botaniki, ogrodnictwa
i inżynierii cywilnej - wodnej, budowy dróg i mostów, wreszcie architektury - planował założenia urbani-
styczne całych dzielnic, miał ogromną wiedzę z zakresu historii architektury i sztuki ogrodowej. Każdy jego
projekt był rezultatem tej wiedzy i kompetencji, szkoda, że żaden ze zrealizowanych parków André w Polsce
i na Litwie nie był systematycznie pielęgnowany przez ostatnie stulecie, aby dać nam dziś właściwe wyobra-
żenie o skali talentu projektanta.

Parki Edouarda André dla Bnińskiej, Potulickiej i Tyszkiewiczów można uznać za ostatni akt dziejów
wielkich inwestycji rezydencjonalnych, podejmowanych przez arystokrację dawnej Rzeczypospolitej, zatrud-
niającą zagranicznych specjalistów. To jedne z ostatnich przedsięwzięć starego porządku, wielkich „egzo-
tycznych" pieniędzy kuszących sławy europejskie angażowane przez polską magnaterię. W XIX-wiecznych
dziejach sztuki polskiej pojawiają się nazwiska tej klasy co Jean François Thoma de Thomon, Charles
Percier i Pierre François Louis Fontaine, Karl Friedrich Schinkel i Friedrich Hitzig, spółki Albert Pio i Amand
Bauquet oraz Ferdinand Fellner i Hermann Helmer, a listę zamyka angielski architekt z kręgu ruchu Arts and
Crafts - Mackay Hugh Baillie Scott, który przyjął dwa polskie zlecenia na początku XX w. Niewątpliwie
Edouard André to jedna z najwyżej cenionych przez współczesnych postaci w sztuce europejskiej XIX w.



Edouard André (1840-1911) was one of the most prolific and at the same time most all-round landscape architects of the last
quarter of the 19th century and beginning of the 20th century in the world. He is recognised as the author and promoter of the so-
called "mixed style" of garden design - le style mixte - that in one garden mixed two traditional compositions: a regular garden
situated in the direct vicinity of a palace with a more distant landscape park. Already as a mature person, André accepted the com-
missions from Polish aristocratie families; two tasks in the lands of the Prussian partition at Samostrzel and Potulice, and four in
Lithuania: at Landwarów (Lentvaris) near Vilnius, at Zatrocze (Użutrakis), Waka Trocka (Тгакц Vokè) and at Połąga (Palanga) on
the Baltic coast.

Courtesy of Florence André and Stéphanie de Courtois I have gained an access to the voyage journals from 1897, 1898 and
1899 to Poland and Lithuania written by Edouard's son, René-Edouard André and his letters from June of 1898 to his fiancé kept at
disposai of the Association Edouard André.

At Samostrzel of the Bniński family a park was being created in the 1880s. Its main attraction was the terrace complex situ-
ated in front of the palace, decorated with pergolas, gazebos, rows of niches with sculptures and parterres. It seems that Edouard
André, undoubtedly referring to Italian models (Tivoli), drew here also from his earlier expériences (Monte Carlo).

The palace and romantic park at Potulice also existed before, and André, recommended to Aniela Potulicka by Emilia Bnińska,
transformed it in 1898, created a new space in the mixed style, with a twin lane on the palace's axis and wide terraces on the park side.

André's parks in Lithuania for Tyszkiewicz brothers were made almost at the same time. At Landwarów the design was ini-
tiated in 1896 or 1897. A huge regular garden was created in front of the palace's back façade and landscape park consisting of two
parts: "Riviera" on the lake and "Switzerland" with unusually diversified lay of the land and four ponds with waterfalls and cascades.

At Połąga on the Baltic shore a new palace (1896-1897) was designed by Franz Heinrich Schwechten commissioned by Feliks
Tyszkiewicz. At the same time a park was being constructed in seaside dunes overgrown with pines. One of the most interesting
éléments in the Połąga Park - the Birute Hill - was incorporated as a beauty spot, and its slope was used to make a grotto with
a сору of the statue of Our Lady of Lourdes. The idea of modem rosary was André's achievement developed for Jules Gravereaux
for his Roseraie de L'Hay. Second important task of André commissioned by Feliks Tyszkiewicz was the landscape design of the
so-called "resort institution". The institution was designed probably in 1898 or 1899.

It is possible that at Józef Tyszkiewicz' Zatrocze the works on the park began in 1897 or 1898. As a resuit, a great park was
established in the mixed style with a view terrace behind the back façade, parterres at the front and side façades and with a large
landscape park decorated with streams, artificial rocks and cascades and a hill crowned with a view arbour.

Waka belonged to Jan Tyszkiewicz who commissioned André to transform the existing park surrounding the palace he inhe-
rited from his father. The works were carried out at the same time as in other parks in Lithuania and were finished in 1900. André
transformed the existing park layout into a scenie park.

A characteristic feature of André's designs is that he maximally emphasised the attributes of selected style: the extrême for-
malism of geometrie gardens and extrême naturalism of scenie parks. When designing his gardens, he had in mind both their aes-
thetic and purely practical values.

Translated by Grażyna Waluga