Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Rocznik Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie — 3(39).2014

DOI Heft:
Część IV. Sztuka XX i XXI wieku / Part IV. Art of the Twentieth and Twenty First Century
DOI Artikel:
Jeziorowski, Tomasz: "Centralny Okręg Przemysłowy - reportaż malarski 1938". Pejzaże industrialne Rafała Malczewskiego z kolekcji Muzeum Narodowego w Warszawie
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Art of the Twentieth and Twenty First Century

the Central Region authentically visualized through paintings. No photograph can convey it
quite like Rafał. Neither photography nor even photomontage could similarly eliminate the
superfluous and highlight the most vital. I have the impression that Rafał Malczewski would
be extremely fit to design great industrial posters, I don’t know whether he is exploited in that
The collection held at the National Museum in Warsaw, comprising three paintings and six
watercolours, is the largest preserved set from the cycle “Central Industrial Region” by Rafał
Malczewski. It is also one of the most important examples of works of art commissioned by
the authorities of the Second Polish Republic, which wished to create and legitimize a vision
of the country’s success under their leadership. “The propaganda of economic success that was
to be ensured by industrialized regions: COP, Upper Silesia backed with the energy industry
of Zaolzie and, last but not least, the pride of the Second Republic - the port in Gdynia, was
to confirm the nation in the belief that Poland was a rapidly developing modern country.”48
Translated by Aleksandra Szkudłapska

47 Tadeusz Pruszkowski, [s.t.J, Gazeta Polska, no. i (1939).
48 Luba, Duch romantyzmu i modernizacja..., op. cit., p. 162.