Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 27.1903

DOI issue:
Nr. 118 (January 1903)
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Studio- Talk

done by Max Svabinsky. It represents Rodin Franz Simon's (Prague) In der Loge shows great

in his favourite attitude, hand in beard, and is a promise; Jan Honza (Bestovice) gives us some

masterpiece of Svabinsky's art. fine cloud effects, while Rudolf Bern has some

-- good portraits done in pencil and chalks.

Jan Preissler, Prague, is not what one could A. S. L.
strictly call " national" in his work, though his

Sunburnt Boy and the Fairv Princess show us that WITZERLAND.—Those who desire to

phantasy of his native familiarise themselves with some of

country. Victor Stretti's etchings show great ^ best work which has been accomplished

promise and much talent, and Z. Braunerova ex- V—S in etching and engraving by living
hibits a fine Bit of Old Prague. Antonin Slavicek artists of Swiss-German origin will not fail to
and Antonin Hudecek, both of Prague, have turn to the achievements of Balmer and Welti,
sent many examples of their art, lovely bits or Possessing in common the depth of feeling of the
colour. Slavicek favours bright tones, poppies, Swiss-German nature, these two artists are in other
sunflowers, cornflowers, etc., while Hudecek chooses respects widely different—the former positive and
soft tones—his Evening
on the Sea, with its sea-
greens and blues rip-
pling into one another,
gives us a delightful sen-
sation of the sea on a
calm evening. Slavicek's
Night and A Rainy
Evening are amongst the
best of this artist's work.

Joza Uprka's (Knez-
dub) Virgin is national
in character, the face
being of Slavonic type.
A crowd of country folk
surround the image of
the Virgin; they are
dressed in the brightest
ot colours, such costumes
as one sees in Moravia,
worn by the peasants.
These the artist has
lovingly dwelt upon, and
he has repeated the tints
with fineness and deli-
cacy. Frantisek Kupka,
who is now living in
Paris, has sent some ad-
mirable etchings and
coloured drawings.

There are many other
promising members of
"Manes," among them
three sculptors, Frantisek
Bilck (Chynov), Stanislav
Sucharda (Prague), and

Bohumil Kafka(Prague). "quartier latin, paris" by victor stretti
